When we stock up on fruits and vegetables, we pile them into the fridge bin.
Except, with contact and humidity, they rot faster.
And there, goodbye savings! And hello mess...
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to keep your fruits and vegetables twice as long in the fridge.
The natural trick is to use baking soda and Sopalin . Watch:
- Paper towel
- baking soda
1. Lay paper towel sheets side by side in the bottom of the vegetable drawer .
2. Pour baking soda over it, especially at the joint of the Sopalin leaves.
3. Put fruits and vegetables in the vegetable drawer on top.
And There you go ! Thanks to this trick, your fruits and vegetables can now be kept twice as long :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Fruits and vegetables are no longer in contact with the ambient humidity produced by the fridge.
Change the baking soda as soon as you add new fruit.
And it works for all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
It is a completely natural solution to improve the conservation of fruits and vegetables in the fridge.
There is no toxic risk in bringing baking soda into contact with fruits and vegetables.
And it is also a simple and very economical trick. In short, a great anti-waste tip !
Paper absorbs moisture which causes fruit to rot faster.
As for bicarbonate, it not only absorbs any remaining traces of moisture, but prevents the development of bacteria and mold.
Thus, fruits and vegetables remain impeccable much longer.