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Cities Don't Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Do your city's roads have potholes?

Cities all over the world have the same concern!

And municipalities take forever to fix potholes...

And still sometimes, they are never fixed!

The inhabitants of this city therefore decided to remedy this by planting flowers . Watch:

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.

Cities Don t Fix Potholes. The inhabitants decide to plant flowers there.