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Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

Have you ever looked at household product labels?

Well I can tell you that it's scary!

Most cleaning products are made up of harmful chemicals.

So don't be surprised if we have allergy, skin or respiratory problems...

Fortunately, there are 2 effective and natural products that can be used to replace all commercial products .

These 2 products are baking soda and white vinegar.

Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

They can be mixed, used separately or mixed with other natural products.

Baking soda cleans, deodorizes, disinfects and moreover, it is a mild abrasive.

White vinegar is a disinfectant that replaces bleach. It deodorizes, stains, removes rust and mould.

Here are 55 tips to replace expensive commercial products with baking soda and white vinegar . Watch:


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

1. Cleans pans

Bicarbonate perfectly cleans pots and pans that have cooking residues, or are slightly burnt. To do this, sprinkle the surface generously with baking soda, then let it soak for about 15 minutes in hot soapy water. Check out the trick here.

2. Put out a burning pan

If a grease fire is taking place in your kitchen, pour baking soda over the flames until it is extinguished. Check out the trick here.

3. Clean the dishwasher

Clean and deodorize your dishwasher by adding baking soda and running a full cycle. You can also put white vinegar in the appliance to descale it. Check out the trick here. It also works with the coffee maker or kettle. Check out the trick here.

4. Makes silverware shine

Is your silverware dull or blackened? The easiest way is to clean it with a paste made up of one part water and three parts baking soda. Rub gently on the silver to revive it. Rinse it out and wipe with a clean cloth to dry and shine. Check out the trick here.

5. Cleans and deodorizes the fridge

Mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray in the fridge. This solution disinfects, cleans and removes odors from the fridge in a single pass. Check out the trick here.

6. Removes tea stains

Are your cups stained from tea or coffee? Clean them without rubbing with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Check out the trick here.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

7. Eliminates pesticides

Wash your fruits and vegetables with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar diluted in 1/2 liter of water. This effectively cleans and removes pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Check out the trick here.

8. Makes omelettes frothy

Add a little baking soda to your omelet to make it frothy, ie 1/2 a teaspoon for 3 large eggs. Check out the trick here.

9. Removes bitterness from tea

To remove the bitterness from freshly brewed iced tea add a pinch of baking soda per 4 liters of preparation.

10. Tenderizes meat

Marinate your meat for about 12 to 24 hours in white vinegar and herbs to tenderize it and give it flavor. Note that balsamic vinegar adds even more flavor to meats.

To discover: A Marinade Recipe? Our Express Tip!

11. Prevent the eggs from breaking

Stop broken eggs during cooking! Add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar per liter of cooking water to prevent the shell from breaking. In addition, it facilitates the peeling of the eggs once cooked. Check out the trick here.

12. Dilute the vinaigrette

If the dressing, mustard or mayo is stuck at the bottom of the jar, put a few drops of white vinegar, shake, and get the product out more easily. No more waste!

13. Keeps cheese longer

To keep your cheeses longer, wrap them in a cloth soaked in white vinegar and put them in the fridge in an airtight box. So, no mold or inedible cheese mess.

14. Gives more vivid colors to food

For the most vibrant, streak-free colors when using food dyes, mix your dyes in 250ml hot water and 1 tsp white vinegar. This is perfect for painting Easter eggs for example.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

15. Turns into scouring cream

Mix 40 g of baking soda, a tablespoon of washing-up liquid and white vinegar to create your natural scouring cream. Mix until you get a smooth cream then use it to scrub the tub, shower or toilet.

To discover: Here's How I Easily Make My Homemade Scrubbing Cream.

16. Disinfect the toilets

Sprinkle 80 g of baking soda in the toilets to clean them. You can also pour 250 ml of pure white vinegar into the bowl, leave to act overnight, then scrub and rinse the next day. Check out the trick here.

17. Descale the showerhead

Limestone can clog all or part of the showerhead holes and reduce the flow. Soak the shower head, for at least 15 minutes, in 150 ml of white vinegar and 1/2 liter of water. Check out the trick here.

18. Cleans sponges

Clean soap scum stuck in loofas (natural sponges) by soaking them for 24 hours in a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. It also works for classic sponges.

To discover: How To Clean And Disinfect A Greasy Sponge With White Vinegar.

19. Descales all surfaces

Mix salt and white vinegar to form a paste. Then, scrub the sinks, showers, sinks, bathtubs, toilets and washing machine to descale them naturally. Check out the trick here.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

20. Makes laundry shine

Put 100 g of baking soda with your usual detergent at the start of the wash cycle to obtain soft and shiny laundry.

21. Deodorizes the laundry basket

Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the laundry basket to neutralize foul odors. Check out the trick here.

23. Whitens laundry

Socks and sportswear can become greyish and full of halos. So that they regain their youth, soak them in a pot of boiling water with 250 ml of white vinegar. Discover the trick here.

24. Removes sweat stains

Yellowish sweat stains can be removed very easily by dabbing them with a cloth soaked in white vinegar. Check out the trick here.

25. Removes static electricity

Reduce static electricity on your clothes by adding 150ml of white vinegar to the washing machine during the wash cycle. It also prevents pet hair from sticking to your clothes.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

26. Clean carpets

To dry clean your rugs or carpets, sprinkle them with baking soda and leave to act for at least 15 minutes. Vacuum the baking soda. Check out the trick here.

27. Cleans floors

Clean the tiles or linoleum with a mixture of 100 g of baking soda dissolved in a bucket of hot water, then rinse. Check out the trick here.

28. Unclogs drains

To unclog the pipes, mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar, and pour it all down the pipe. Wait 15 minutes, then pour boiling water down the metal drain. Check out the trick here.

29. Removes candle wax

When candle wax has hardened on a piece of furniture or a tablecloth, it becomes very difficult to remove. Soak a cloth in equal parts white vinegar and water then dab to remove the wax. Check out the trick here.

30. Neutralizes bad odors

Neutralize stale, musty, tobacco (or other unpleasant odors) odors by spraying pure white vinegar into the air. This trick can also be used for furniture, shoes and carpets. Check out the trick here.

31. Removes traces of markers

Have your children written on the walls or the floor? Don't panic, they can be erased using a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar. Check out the trick here.

32. Peel off the labels

To remove sticky residue from a label, apply a cloth soaked in white vinegar to the label or sticker and let sit for several minutes. You can also heat the white vinegar to soften the glue more easily. Check out the trick here.

33. Removes rust

Rusty screws are difficult to remove. Pour pure white vinegar on the screw and let it work to remove the rust. Check out the trick here.

34. Extends the life of cut flowers

To preserve the freshness of the cut flowers, put in the vase 1/4 of water, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar. Check out the trick here.

35. Untie carpets

Stains on rugs, carpets or doormats are unsightly and usually difficult to remove. So, make a paste of baking soda and white vinegar, then scrub the stain and let it sit overnight. The next day, vacuum to remove the remains of this cleaning mixture.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

36. Softens the scalp

Baking soda can be used as a dry shampoo to fight dandruff. Simply massage your scalp with a little baking soda. Check out the trick here.

37. Eliminates dandruff

A weekly hair rinse with 250 ml of apple cider vinegar is another effective method to eradicate dandruff. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair shine.

To discover: 12 Ultra-Effective Remedies To Eliminate Dandruff Naturally.

38. Softens the hair

Bicarbonate softens and revitalizes the hair. Plus, it prevents split ends. To do this, mix your conditioner with baking soda, apply the mixture to the hair, cover with a bathing cap and leave on for up to 20 minutes before rinsing. Check out the trick here.

39. Cleans hairbrushes

Clean your hairbrushes and combs by soaking them in a teaspoon of baking soda and a little hot water. Rinse well. Check out the trick here.

40. Soothes insect bites

To soothe itching caused by insect bites, mosquito bites, nettles or sunburn, apply a paste made of baking soda and water, or dab the affected areas with a cotton ball soaked in vinegar. Check out the trick here.

41. Relieves heartburn

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 125 ml of water, and sip this mixture during the day. It relieves heartburn. Check out the trick here.

42. Relaxing

Replicate a spa at home by taking a relaxing bath with half a cup of baking soda mixed in hot water. Another option is to take a hot bath in which you put 150 ml of white vinegar to soften the skin and remove dead skin. Check out the trick here.

43. Cleans the toothbrush

Clean your toothbrushes by soaking them overnight in a mixture of 50 g baking soda and 100 ml water. Check out the trick here.

43. Softens the feet

Soak your feet for 20 minutes in 1 volume of white vinegar and 2 volumes of lukewarm water to remove dead skin and soften the feet. Check out the trick here.

44. Exfoliate the bit

Bicarbonate is a natural and gentle exfoliant for the skin. Combine 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water, then apply to skin in circular motions. Rinse thoroughly. Check out the trick here.

45. Whitens teeth

Weekly brushing with a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar freshens breath and whitens teeth. It also works with baking soda. Check out the trick here.

46. Makes nail polish last

To make your nail polish last longer, run a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar over your nails before applying the polish. Check out the trick here.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

47. Clean the barbecue

To clean barbecue grills, mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar. You can also use baking soda on a damp brush to clean the grates before rinsing. You can also use crumpled aluminum foil to scrape the grates and remove excess charcoal. Check out the trick here.

48. Clear the snow

In snowy weather, the sidewalks are often icy and slippery, remove the excess snow, then pour baking soda on the icy surface to defrost.

49. Weed the garden

Remove weeds by sprinkling baking soda on them or pouring vinegar between the driveway tiles where they tend to grow. In addition, it limits regrowth. Check out the trick here.

50. Defrost the windshield

In winter, nothing is worse than scratching your windshield in the morning for hours. To avoid this, spray 3 parts vinegar and 1 part water on the windows the evening before the frost. This limits his training. Check out the trick here.


Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:55 Tips To Replace Expensive Commercial Products.

51. Keeps pests away

Sprinkle baking soda around your pet's food bowl to deter parasites from eating from the bowl.

52. Reduces cat pee odors

Put a layer of baking soda at the bottom of the cat litter box to reduce urine odors. Check out the trick here.

53. Cleans pet teeth

You can brush the teeth of animals from time to time with baking soda. It cleans their mouth and removes bad breath.

54. Keeps fleas away

Spray dogs' coats with white vinegar diluted in water to repel fleas. Plus it makes the hair shine!

55. Cleans traces of pee

If your cat has forgotten itself on your carpet, try this mixture of sparkling water, baking soda and white vinegar. Check out the trick here.

Your turn...

Have you tested these natural cleaning products for your whole house? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!