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30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

When you're a student, you often have very little money.. .

So now is the best time to learn a bunch of cool tricks!

And the good news...

That's because we've selected tips for you that will make your life easier...

...and also allow you to spend less on a daily basis.

Here are 30 great life hacks every student should know . Watch:

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

1. Use a pen to keep your book open

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Nothing worse than a book that closes all the time. To keep it open, just use a pen or paper clip.

2. Use an empty toilet paper roll to store your pens

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

A great salvage tip for making a €0 pencil holder. Just take a roll of toilet paper and put your pens in it. Customized, it will be even prettier.

To discover: 61 Creative Ways To Reuse Toilet Paper Rolls.

3. You can also use an empty Coke can

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Cut a soda can to 3/4 of its height. That's it:you have a great pencil holder in the colors of your favorite drink. Don't like soda? No problem, recycle a glass jam jar to put your pens in.

4. Set your schedule as wallpaper on your smartphone

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Not easy to remember his schedule and classrooms at the beginning of the year. To avoid taking your pocket out of your bag at each new class hour, put your schedule as wallpaper on your mobile. Clever, isn't it?

5. Here's the right way to store your Macbook charger

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

A badly rolled magazine takes up space in the bag. Besides, it gets tangled. No more hassle thanks to this tutorial.

6. Use a box of Tic Tac to sharpen your pencil

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

When you can't get up to sharpen your pencil, you need a small office trash can so you don't put it everywhere. A box of Tic Tac works just fine.

7. Use a color code to recognize your notebooks easily

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Difficult to recognize its different notebooks once they are in the bag. Make yourself a color code to distinguish them quickly:pink for history and blue for English for example.

8. Use a tennis ball to amplify the sound of your tablet

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

No need to buy an expensive speaker. Cut up a tennis ball and place it at the level of the sound outlet to amplify its volume. Check out the trick here.

9. Use Google Scholar to do your Internet research

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Google scholar is a tool specially designed for students and very practical for finding even more relevant information! Check out the trick here.

10. Use a hanger as a Sopalin dispenser

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

System D, you know? Well here is the best paper towel holder there is!

11. Store your t-shirts vertically to find them easily and save space

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Save space in your drawers by folding your t-shirts differently and storing them vertically. Check out the trick here.

12. Use the Evernote app to save all your notes easily and never lose anything again

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Discover here the 7 best free apps for students.

13. Use the pizza box as a dustpan

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

No dustpan to clean your apartment after a good evening? Use the pizza box!

14. Turn up the sound on your phone with cups

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

2 cups and a roll of toilet paper and voila! You will have a homemade and super economical amp. Check out the trick here.

15. Computer overheating? Use egg carton to refresh it

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

If your computer heats up after a few hours of work (or movies), put it on an egg carton. The air will pass better underneath to cool it. Check out the trick here.

16. Here's how to fit a 12-pack of cans in a mini fridge

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Do you have a mini-fridge in your apartment, but a lot of cans to store? Simply leave them in the box so they don't scatter.

To discover: The Amazing Hack To Store ALL Your Beers In The Fridge.

17. Use a pen to close an opened bag of chips

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

No pliers to close an opened bag of chips? Close it with a pen.

To discover: 20 Surprising Uses of Clipboards.

18. Use the campus coffee maker to put hot water in your noodles

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

19. Use a coffee maker to cook pasta

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Did you know that you can use a coffee maker to cook your pasta, rice or even vegetables? This trick also works with a kettle.

20. Or even boiled eggs!

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Check out the other stuff you can cook in a coffee maker here.

21. Use a box of Pringles to store your spaghetti

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Protect your pasta from food moths by putting it in an empty Pringles can.

22. Use the bottom of a large plastic bottle as a bowl

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Cut the bottom of a large plastic bottle to make a bowl. You can put chips, popcorn or peanuts in it during your aperitifs.

23. No clean plates on hand? Use the pizza box

Check out the trick here.

24. The trick to make your bag of crisps stand alone

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

You don't even need a bowl, so there's less washing up! Check out the trick here.

25. Use an old CD shelf to organize your bathroom

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Check out the trick here.

26. Use a shoe rack to organize your bathroom

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Store all your beauty essentials in the small bathroom cabinets with a wall-mounted shoe rack. Check out the trick here.

27. Heat 2 bowls at the same time in the microwave

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Did you know that you can heat 2 bowls at the same time in the microwave? Check out the trick here.

28. Learn faster with visual memory

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Use colors and small index cards to better memorize your lessons. Discover here 14 other tips to revise faster.

29. Fix the shower with a plastic bottle

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

Fix the showerhead with a plastic bottle. Simply drill small holes in the bottom of the bottle and screw it onto the water inlet.

30. Use this trick to motivate yourself to study

30 Great Tips ALL STUDENTS Should Know.

What better way to study than a little motivation? Slip a treat at the end of each important paragraph, so you'll want to go further in your reading! Check out the trick here.

There you go, you now know all the tips for students to save money... and make your life easier!

Did you go back to high school or college? It's a new life that begins, new working methods and more freedom.

But when you're a student, you're often broke.

So we need a bunch of tips to save on food, entertainment and everyday life.

Your turn...

Do you know any other tips for students? Share them with our community in the comments. We can't wait to read you!