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How to Easily Clean Your Children's LEGOs?

How to Easily Clean Your Children s LEGOs?

If you have children under 10 , I'm sure you can't escape the famous LEGO .

Yes, they are the joy of our toddlers, but a little less ours when it comes to cleaning them!

What a puzzle...

How to go about making all those little nickel coins without spending a lot of time ? Look no further, I have the solution!

Machine wash LEGOs

How to Easily Clean Your Children s LEGOs?

Yes, you read me correctly, I said to the machine ! But it's not possible, you say to yourself, it's going to destroy the drum of my washing machine...

Nay ladies (and gentlemen for that matter!):with my trick, everything becomes child's play .

All you have to do is slip the LEGO into a pillowcase and wash them at 30° . Easy as pie, right?!

And if, in your stride, you want to clean Loulou's other toys, Anaïs explains her 3 methods to disinfect them in record time!

And you, how do you clean LEGO? I await your comments!