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Instagram favourite:the "Amours Solitaires" account!

As we know, many things are worked out in the sadness of a breakup; the heart is open and lets out more than ever the queen substance:love. Everyone then seeks to stem, as best they can, this continuous flow of feelings diluting into nothingness. Some choosing to go and see opposite emotions, oblivion, hatred and contempt when others cannot dislike; these are and will always be right; problem, they are the ones who suffer.

“Solitaire Loves”:the poetics of regret

Then comes the time of regrets, a world of silence in which these tearful hearts try not to drown under the wave of memory. To contain it? Writing ! Because it is a fact, in the evidence of feeling, thought is fluid, our thumbs gliding over the screen of our smartphones like swans on a lake.

A poetics of regret then sets in motion and the “Notepad” application turns into a cemetery of lost text messages…but that was before; before Morgane Ortin created, in 2017, the Instagram account Amours Solitaires and gave a digital setting to this need to express the pain, the recognition or the pleasure of having one day crossed this other.

“We no longer take the time to be emotional”

Morgane Ortin to whom the newspaper Liberation devoted a portrait in 2019; He was thus given the opportunity to express the essence of things:“We no longer take the time to be emotional. We constantly answer "follow me, I'm running away from you, run away from me, I'm following you" as if to be desirable you had to be cold. And to add that this form of “emotional schizophrenia creates generations of frustration”.

A feeling shared by many, to the point that to date, nearly 825,000 people have subscribed to the Amours_Solitaires account. Who, by frequenting this 2.0 room of love archives daily, come to show a lot of sincerity in the face of these discussions of couples who have often desired each other a lot but little understood.
Last thing, if you fear that his consultation will weigh you down, be afraid Lone Loves also shelters joy, that of reunions in particular and there, it is then sublime “magnet force”!

To subscribe to the Amours-Solitaires account, click here!

And if you want to send your message, it's here.