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The 10 mistakes men make in bed (and how to avoid them…)

Sex could be so much better if we were simpler! Here's how to remedy the 10 mistakes of mister to get (really) his foot in bed.

1. Judging our desire

Observation n°1:“Naaaaa, but I will NEVER be able to go out with a girl who sleeps on the first night! Oh hey captain, this is the 21st century! Why going to bed quickly would be a sign of "bad life"? Why not be simple? Sometimes, we just have a great time with someone, we hang on to the discussions, we laugh, we feel confident, in short, there is the feeling. And sometimes, therefore, things happen naturally:we want to prolong this moment in intimacy. No, that does not mean that we would do it with any man. So, we relax from the briefs, we throw our judgments in the trash and we let ourselves go. Moreover, - teaser for a future article - some couples who slept on the first night have had very beautiful love stories.


How to fix it:Do you feel reciprocal sexual vibes? Make him understand that the door is open, be more tactile BUT do not be too aggressive. There, for once, it would be totally out of place. Because men, too, sometimes need time. So listen to his desire and adapt to it.

Observation n°2:ON THE CONTRARY, if a woman is reluctant to have sex during the first dates, that does not (necessarily) mean that she is not interested or has a broom up her behind, but just that it it takes time for him to feel confident. This time, she may need it for very good reasons, such as bad memories that have upset her.

How to fix it:Put your cards on the table. Explain to him gently that you appreciate him very much but that you need time. If you feel confident enough, explain the reasons for your reluctance. It will also be a way to get things done. But if he insists, this man is a BODY who does not listen to you and therefore disrespects you –> get out.

2. Protection

The observation:You cross the door of his apartment kissing you passionately, your clothes fly in all directions, you collapse in bed making the slats break, you explore your bodies in trances and there, he comes out this magic sentence:" Are you taking the pill? Because me and the condoms, that's two!».

How to fix it:Girls, if Monsieur refuses to put his little hat on Popol, it's NO NO and NO! Never do it with a new partner without a condom! How many said to themselves “Good go, ok” and a few weeks later discovered such poetic words such as chlamydia, genital herpes, syphilis or worse? So, if you are sure that this guy is a good guy, because you have known him for a while, you explain to him that you understand very well that it must be frustrating to have sex with a plastic bag but that you refuse to do it without this protection, for the time being. And that if it works between you, you will do some tests. He insists? This guy puts Popol before your anxieties and your health –> break up.

3. Miss Clicli's ignorance.

For poetic reasons, we will call our dear clitoris Miss. Clicli.

The observation:The female sexual apparatus is a very complex thing… But some men have so little notions of anatomical geography and listening to the other that the erotic turns to the comic. Anthology:

– Place Miss Clicli several centimeters from the desired area, and sometimes in unsuspected places such as the pubis (true story)…

– Press Miss Clicli as if it were a recalcitrant elevator button or stir her as if it were a lump of cake batter. Gentlemen, Miss Clicli doesn't work like Mr. Popol, she's a little flower, so calm down!

-Kiss Miss Clicli every time you have sex. Yes, sometimes women want to make love without you necessarily giving them this gift. Sometimes women are tired, they have taken the train for 8 hours and feel like their panties have turned into a fish market. Cunnilingus should be done when the woman is willing, feels beautiful, clean, and confident. In short, like all gifts, it must be given at the right time.

– Explore with his fingers the interior of our intimacy while kissing Miss Clicli. Ok, we know we can do two things at the same time but sometimes it's hard to split our attention.

-Forcing himself to kiss Ms. Clicli. And yes, Miss Clicli disgusts some men, as some women are disgusted by Mr. Popol. And the desires of the other are like tastes and colors, you have to respect them, and respect your own desire. Sex should be a beautiful moment of sharing, not an ordeal!

How to fix it:When your partner is doing it wrong, take their hand and guide them, they will only be more grateful and excited to see you having fun and sharing it with them. You don't want a kiss on Miss Clicli? When Monsieur goes down to the cellar, go up his head to kiss him. If he doesn't understand the message, tell him nicely.

Note:these tips also work with the brisket, which is often mistaken for bread dough.

4. Play jackhammer

The conclusion:Men are too inclined to believe that our sex works like theirs or to trust pornographic films where the plumber blows up the housewife like a rodeo. But sometimes your partner goes a little too hard and hurts you. He can also be satisfied with the horizontal movement mode while sensual and wavy movements of their pelvises better stimulate the erogenous zones of women.

How to fix it:When he hurts you, grab his hips and pull them away a bit to get him to understand. He does not understand? Simply say “ouch”, with a small smile, so as not to break the magic moment too much. He still doesn't understand? He doesn't care about your pleasure or is completely stupid –> get off.

Want him to stop acting like a bunny and get more sensual? Guide him with your hands on his hips. And when he does, show him you appreciate it and point it out to him again after sex. Flattery always works.

5. Make the starfish

The conclusion:Yes, starfish also exist in men, especially when they see that the woman is sure of herself and enterprising.

How to fix it:With your hands, show him the movements you would like him to do. If he continues to stare at you without doing anything:this guy has no respect for you and just wants you to give him pleasure –> get off.

6. Sex size matters

The conclusion:Yes, the size of the sex of the gentleman is important, but not in the sense that we generally hear it. Indeed, a very imposing tool can hurt, especially if the gentleman is in “little rabbit in heat” mode. And a small, less stimulating tool will require more sensual movements.

How to fix it:Make your partner understand how you want them to make love to you by guiding them with your hands.

7. Orgasmic parties are not automatic

The conclusion:It's been going on for hours... You had fun but now you're starting to make your shopping list and think about taxes.

How to fix it:Because in porn it happens like this, these gentlemen tend to believe that the female orgasm is automatic. False! You can have a lot of fun without reaching for the fireworks. Sometimes we are tired, we WANT to make love but not necessarily reach nirvana. For mister to understand, there are two things to do:

1.Do not fake. It would reinforce him in the idea that orgasm is automatic and in addition would introduce “false” in this moment which must be “real”.

2. Explain to your partner, when the time seems right to you, that you can have a lot of pleasure without having an orgasm. In short, keep it simple, it's so much better!

8. Underestimating the power of staring (and kissing)

The observation:It is a mistake that many men make the first time they make love to you:to play the robot-rabbit-in-full-coitus by concentrating on their Popol. Existential questions:off! Girls, that doesn't mean he's laughing at you, just that he's overwhelmed by his lust and desire.

How to fix it:What is beautiful in sex is the fusion of souls, the fiery and penetrating gazes, the passionate kisses. So bring him back to you by grabbing his face, looking into his eyes and kissing him like never before.

9. Taking our throat for a garage

The observation:It makes you cough, swallow, cry:during their treats, some believe they are in a remake of "Deep Throat".

How to fix it:Don't give in:pull your head back and take it slower. If he continues despite everything–> get out.

10. Adventure without testing the waters

The observation:We all have different sexual trips. But some “delusions” may not be shared AT ALL, like:

-Monsieur lets himself go during the treat without telling his new partner.

-Enter through the back door without knowing if Madame accepts and/or worse:without prior preparation,

-Exhibitionist trips,

– Strangling,

-SM delusions,…

How to fix it:It seems very simple but yet many do not dare, for fear of disappointing their partner or appearing for a stuck up girl. What to do? Simply say "no". Explain to him that you don't like it, that we all have different trips and that this is really not your thing, at least not now. And if it's too late:tell him afterwards that you didn't like it but that you loved the rest (smoothing up, it doesn't hurt). And if he does it anyway –> break it.

If you, men or women, had to remember only one lesson, it would be this:be simple! Listen to yourself, listen to others, share, and you will have a great time...

:Mistakes also apply to madam. Next week, you'll learn about the 10 mistakes women make in bed.