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Love, friendship:what's the difference?

Obvious signs of love

In love, there are signs that do not deceive. One of the characteristics is to experience a physical desire for the other. Which is not the case in friendship. In love, there is a burning desire that is very difficult to contain. You project yourself into the future with him having a ton of projects and desires to achieve. You regularly feel jealousy towards other women, whether they are former conquests or colleagues who revolve around him. When you are with him, you pay particular attention to your appearance. You like to be dressed up and beautiful for him. With friends, you can go without makeup and it doesn't matter. If you hesitate between love and friendship, tell yourself that if you want to kiss him, if you laugh at all his jokes, if your heart beats faster, if you want to make you look pretty and if you think about him all the time, chances are you're in love. By definition, love is an “inclination of one person for another, of a passionate and/or sexual nature”.

Friendship:what does not cheat

According to the Robert, friendship is a "reciprocal feeling of affection which is not based on blood ties or sexual attraction". This does not prevent some friends from taking action when they are single! But generally speaking, there is no physical envy between two friends. You cannot imagine for a single second finding yourself with him in bed. If you are both looking for a soul mate, it is not uncommon for you to do your research together by registering on a dating site for example. If you feel no jealousy about possible conquests, it is certainly because it is about friendship, and not about love. Often you also become friends with his girlfriends. You don't care what you look like, you don't have to be on your 31 to see it. If you are depressed, it is not uncommon for him to arrive at your house finding you with a tub of ice cream in your hands, in unglamorous pajamas watching the love film par excellence “Never Forget”. You do not have the requirement that you would have with your lover. Your friend has the right to be late or not to answer your sms in the second, it does not matter!

Friendship, a form of love?

Friendship is a form of love as it is similar on many points. You have affection for your friends, without feeling the possession often characteristic of the feeling of love. Friendship does not seek to possess, it leaves free. Friendship is generally a spiritual union based on the meeting between two people with the same values. Friends take an important place in life, just like family. With the difference, "that we do not choose our family, but we choose our friends". As the years go by, friends become the witnesses to your marriage or the godfathers of your children. You make projects together, from a simple outing to the cinema to a vacation in Ibiza. You worry about them if they have problems or are unhappy. You are there for them in good times and bad because you love them. You are there for a birthday party, a move or a moment of post-breakup depression.