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News from the front

News from the front I promise, I try to come as regularly as possible to publish here. I'm not short of ideas, oh no! Between my pre-teen really almost teenager and my P'tit Grand definitely Grand, my two inexhaustible sources of inspiration... I have plenty to do.

No no, actually, I'm running out of time.


Don't you?

Working mom we said. When in addition, she is self-employed, the working mom finds it very difficult to stop working.

But the pleasure is there and I want to say HAPPYLY.

Even if it does not feed a blog, nor a family. Just like these brands that offer me to write content for visibility. It's nice, but my baker and my Intermarché refused that I pay them in pictures.

I wanted to give you some news all the same. The holidays are just around the corner (they got a little lost on the way) and OH MIRACLE, we're going to the mountains with the family for a week... it's worth it. As before each departure, I return to see a few days before the "reviews" left on our future accommodation. And tonight, I'm smiling. The latest ones are excellent, I'm feeling in the mood to print my train tickets, pack my bags and book our shuttle tickets. Well, all that remains is to invoke the god of the weather… um

I can't wait to spend a few days, without a file (lie), with my little ones and my Man. It will do us a world of good after these long months of work without a break. On our return, we will have to work twice as hard, the projects that arrive at the agency are crazy. We have big challenges ahead. I love it, even if sometimes all this is a tad stressful. WITHOUT RIDING?

I'll have to tell you about our quest for an intern... I didn't expect... that... even if I had heard of the hassle, honestly, it's beyond comprehension.

A little joke to finish?

This is the story of a working mom, admittedly not perfect, but who sometimes has brilliant ideas, for example that of making an appointment "in advance" to redo her child's passport. The latter expires (the passport not the child) 15 days before his departure for Italy. In advance, that is to say at the very beginning of March for a departure in June. Quiet Emile. Proud of her anticipation, the mother therefore decided on March 6 to go and book her time slot online. She will choose a Wednesday since the child must be present. She connects. Between its Parisian district. And… falls from his chair. Ouch. Well, she did well to anticipate this mom! (We always wonder who I'm talking about eh) That she is beautiful and intelligent organized!! Because yes, the 1st available appointment displayed was for … MAY 2 (which is a Tuesday)


So, in Paris, if you want a passport, already count 2 months to have a &ù$*%€&appointment (yes, I'm annoyed), then … oulalala madam, at the moment it's 3 weeks delay , but in May, it will probably be MUCH more, for manufacturing!! Of course, potato.

As this mother is particularly stubborn (and beautiful and intelligent), and that she has above all great friends who whisper in her earpiece that we can have identity papers made anywhere in France and not only in her city of residence… well, this mom will therefore go to Vanves, a charming suburban village at the beginning of April, so as not to stress make your child stress for his departure on a trip at the end of the year !!

Seriously ? We talk about the person at the reception of the civil status of the town hall who answers you that "well yes, it's like that, but that often, slots are freed up overnight". EASY WITH KIDS!

I know we got the problems we deserve. Well anyway.

I can not wait for the vacation. I will tell you EVERYTHING (or almost)

Don't mess around.