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Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?


Today I take the mouse to try, on my small scale, to alert on a point that tickles me about the lobbies of conventional cosmetics.

Natural/organic cosmetics disturb . More and more consumers, me the first you have known for several months now, are starting to take a close interest in the famous compositions of the different products that we put on our skin daily. Here the click was made by starting to read in particular the reports and tests of the magazine of the Association Que Choisir , but also by consuming more and more organic and if possible without too much waste (thanks to Emma's Trends first) and above all by consuming more and more "simply". By that I mean, by limiting my purchases for hygiene products in particular (a few basics that are used for everything are enough), but also for household products. Nothing special. But a path that we all take at home and that is close to our hearts.

So, first of all, I know. I know that organic products are not tolerated by 100% of skin types. Some have allergies/intolerances to these natural products, due to the strong presence of plants in particular and the absence of preservatives... But, sincerely for me, this remains a minority and in no way excuses the behavior of what I will call the conventional cosmetics lobby.

Besides, I'm not a chemist or a dermatologist, I don't work in cosmetics, I don't have any action with one or the other (I was even an "ambassador blogger" for AVENE for a long time), I spread my babies with Klorane stuffed with phenoxyethanol and I know how much any change of habit costs.

Finally, I know that everyone does what they want (with her hair), but here it is, our purchases, our consumption choices involve OUR planet (the oil from hygiene products ends up in our groundwater). The one we leave to OUR children. So it seems important to me not to force change, but to exchange, to explain, to help raise awareness as much as possible.

I don't do everything well. No, far from it. But I improve on my little path, without constraint, when I feel ready to take another step. A bit like with my sports routine. It's when you can really do it .

Why this post today? Well, because I received a few weeks ago, from FEBEA - the federation of beauty companies - a request to relay the videos of a campaign called "unravel the true from the false" (and not with conditioner). Titillated, I went to see these famous videos on their Youtube channel and … I had a hell of a shot, not from the heart, but from the heart! What was my surprise to discover a web series subsidized by the union of beauty companies to explain to me very kindly based on pretty montage of infographics with funny noises and baby laughter that in fact, for example, ba… phenoxyethanol it is very important limit in the composition of a product! Even for a hygiene product for babies and children. Ba yes of course potato that I am!

Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?

hashtag take me for a crock I love it



I'm outraged, it's quite simple, I didn't get over it. I reviewed to make sure I hadn't misunderstood. And no, no, definitely, phenoxyethanol is NOT dangerous.

So, what about that, ladies and gentlemen of conventional cosmetics who have paid to misinform "ordinary" consumers (it's not pejorative)

What about that :

What about that too :

Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?

and during this time, we can watch the FEBEA video to reassure us, because no, phenoxyethanol is not dangerous...

Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?

Second chapter, I now offer you the wonderful video on Parabens

Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?

I really want to answer:to kill you slowly, but I won't say it, I'm not going to ruin everything (well then, I'll say to make your descendants sterile)(oops). The FEBEA reassures you dear consumer:parabens are your allies!!! (siiiiii) They protect your products which could deteriorate too quickly! (with that, they'll explain to me what's the point of keeping your day cream on for 12 months, knowing that by using it twice a day normally, you'll have enough for 2 months to break everything) (but that's not not the topic)(although). So parabens, they're all nice, they even exist in the red fruits you eat! And everyone agrees (for once) that fruit is GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH. CQFD.

Ah no thin… in any case at QUE CHOISIR, here is what I read:

Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?

We continue ? Oh yes, quickly the FEBEA reassure me about the …

No I stop there, I think you have understood. I'll let you discover the other "truths" videos for yourself.

My advice is simple, read the labels, learn to decipher them. We've already talked about it here, but I repeat, here are the tools:

The truth about cosmetics

The Officinea Clean Beauty application (not complete for my taste, but helps when you are in a store and you have doubts)

The Que Choisir menu

Would organic cosmetics disturb conventional cosmetics?

Marie Youpie's blog with especially this article on THE LABELS (how to decipher them) , but also Natural Beauty, the essentials at Low Prices (because YES you can keep the same budget without buying crap) and his Instagram for his stories that dismantle cracra products without taboo.

And so, thank you to the FEBEA but no, I personally do not subscribe at all to your videos which I even find DANGEROUS.