Family Best Time >> Family


2008 – birth of the blog

1998 – birth of our couple

1978 – birth of Man

1948 – birth of my mother

it's going to make bottles of champ' all that...

So 2018?

I almost want to say that I have decided for once to take some resolutions... tenable...

Already I wish to continue all the turns undertaken these last two/three years:

  • our PR 2.0 Com&Kids agency which continues to grow by carrying out more and more projects, especially since the recruitment of a first employee… I will celebrate my 3 years of contractual termination in June, of course, without any regrets…
  • my sport routine which I told you I wouldn't give up for anything as it makes me feel good, physically, but (especially) psychologically
  • the sorting of our hygiene/maintenance and food products, already undertaken for several years, but which has recently intensified to move towards natural/organic and with the idea that less is enough!
  • sorting out the harmful in general, the desire to see as much positive as possible. Yeah it's very nian nian but in fact, it's just vital. Empathetic ++ I let myself really easily be eaten and I quietly managed to pay attention to this point. Certainly, I will not change:I do everything so that my loved ones are doing perfectly, are happy. But, more to my detriment. I learned to be a little more selfish. And I really feel better this way.
  • taking care of myself... finally it's already in all the previous points... I saw a naturopath for example at the beginning of autumn who gave me very good points about my diet in particular and who gave me 'reboosted a little to spend the winter as far away from microbes as possible with a few supplements, essential oils or others. I follow his little recommendations to the letter and since then I've been doing even better. Honestly, apart from a recent bad cold, knock on wood, I'm on edge despite a totally crazy/dumb/polluted pace of life...

Then, I would like to move forward on desires that have been tickling me for a long time and that I dare not put in place... just like the resumption of sport was at the time... as I so rightly said, when it is not the time, it's not the time. Ditto for these small projects. However, as I really feel more serene and composed (as I run constantly, ah ah ah ah don't look), I think I can tick one or two boxes in the year. I start:

  • Finally register for bone marrow donation
  • parachuting
  • play piano or guitar
  • learn spanish
  • read more

Note that I did not write to stop Candy Crush. We'll see about that for 2019.

Of course, I want to continue this blog. Even if I come there less, it is so important to me to come and write. Even if today the "trend" is no longer written, but visual, stories... I remain faithful to this blog for all that it has given me for 10 years. SO MUCH.

I take advantage of this little post to wish you all (and all?) a very happy new year 2018. As I said on facebook not long ago:take care of yourself.

I also take this opportunity to hold you here to sincerely thank you, my faithful readers. Thank you for coming back regularly to take news here or on the social networks where I hang out (too much).

I kiss you (unless you have the flu)(or the gastro)(will you come back?)