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Baby is coming... Get ready calmly!

Baby is coming... Get ready calmly!

9 months you've been waiting for it. The baby shower barely over, baby is about to show up! Whether it's the first or not, it's not easy to find your bearings after the birth of a child. Do not panic ! We give you our advice to live this motherhood in the most zen way.

Are you leaving for maternity soon?

Even if you are very tired, do not wait until the last minute to anticipate your return with baby. It is indeed much easier to do shopping or papers alone than with a newborn.

To be checked before birth:

  • Plan a meal plan for 2 or 3 weeks. Choose dishes that freeze easily, such as lasagna or pan-fried frozen vegetables. You will be very happy to find these good little dishes already at home when you return from the maternity ward. Lacking inspiration? The Weekly Menu application brings together thousands of recipes from which you can choose.
  • Subscribe to mutual insurance:with the growing family, it is important to be well protected;
  • Make a to-do list for the person who will stay home with the other kids while you're away. Explain that the youngest does not like peas, and that the oldest hates having her hair done. You'll spare him diplomatic incidents!

Prepare your maternity suitcase!

Put in essential baby items (pajamas, bras, hats, hygiene products, etc.), but also your own (nightgowns, bathrobes, etc.). Not to mention your papers:obstetrics and anesthetic record, blood group, vital and mutual insurance cards, and maternity record. Just before leaving, check that everything is there.

Coming home from maternity?

Essentials to have at home

Having everything on hand will ensure that you are not caught off guard when you return home. No need to rob stores, only plan what you will need for the first 15 days:sufficient diapers; powdered milk if you are not breastfeeding; two bottles, even if you are breastfeeding; a special baby cleansing gel; a thermometer. But also:sanitary napkins; crevice cream and comfortable clothes.

Gently return to your place at home

Just because you're home doesn't mean you have to handle everything. So accept to let go and live more slowly. Continue to put the elders in the crèche or with the nanny. Similarly, plan a friend or grandma to pick up the older ones after school and help you with homework. Did you do a drive? Choose delivery instead.

Your partner is not there? Ask someone you trust to come take care of baby from time to time to take a nap or take a relaxing bath.

Have a professional accompany you

The Health Insurance offers personalized home support after childbirth. You can therefore benefit from the advice of a midwife, help with breastfeeding and an attentive ear to share your concerns.

Take the time to pamper yourself

Massage daily

Continue to moisturize your skin as you did during pregnancy with an anti-stretch mark oil. This will help you fight cellulite, eliminate water retention and reduce stretch marks. Apply by massaging in a circular motion to promote blood circulation.

Taking naps whenever you want

Take advantage that baby has fallen asleep to lie down too, the ideal being to take two short naps in the first weeks. Forget the ironing, the untidy living room... The important thing now is to rest.

Adopt the zen attitude

If you feel very tired, do a relaxation session. Lie down in a quiet room, legs raised at 90°, calves resting on the seat of a chair. Put your nursing pillow behind your neck and put baby on your stomach. Close your eyes, breathe deeply. You will feel your body slowly relax. To help you approach wholeness, try the Maman Zen app. The principle ? Very short guided meditation exercises to introduce you to zenitude while being accompanied.

Maintain a balanced diet

You were a fan of healthy food during pregnancy ? Stick to your good habits. Eat healthy, balanced meals at regular times, made up of proteins, starchy foods and fiber-rich vegetables. To prevent deficiencies, eat a diet rich in iron found in meats, but also spinach, parsley, lentils. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, to be consumed without moderation, and do not overlook the calcium present in milk and dairy products. Finally, drink at least 1.5 liters of highly mineralized water, such as Contrex or Hépar.

Baby is coming? Carefree. Thanks to these smart tips, you will manage your return from motherhood with a master hand!