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How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all?

How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all?

Does the Montessori method speak to you? Increasingly highlighted this method is now recognized as innovative and beneficial for toddlers. However, you are not a follower of this brand new pedagogy? Do not panic ! Many current sites and blogs refer to simple and fun methods to practice with your dear toddler. But from the school system to the home, how does this recognized and renowned pedagogy fit in, accessible to all?

Contents 1 Montessori pedagogy, what is it? 2 Is the Montessori method open to all children? 3 From school to home… is it possible? 4 Montessori books 4.1 60 Montessori activities for my baby 5 Examples and ideas of Montessori activities with baby 5.1 **** 5.2 Have you applied the Montessori method for your children?


Montessori pedagogy, what is it?

The Montessori pedagogy was developed by Maria Montessori, the first female doctor in Italy. His various researches are based and dedicated to children who are victims of great mental and psychic retardation. Its resulting methods are now developed for a greater number of children, victims or not of this delay. It was in 1907 that she opened her very first school in Rome. Different from all the other ways of learning and taming children's autonomy, its pedagogy is in fact based on several principles by distinguishing "sensitive periods" in the child, that is to say "times during which he will be most likely to develop a type of skill". Montessori pedagogy is also based on the major learning periods of the child:language, coordination of movements, order, discovery of the senses, social behavior in a community or in a small group and the apprehension of small objects. The sensory materials intended for learning and used for certain activities are specific and based on the use of the child's five senses.

Rough letters, beads, slates or the bank of numbers. Their particularity is to develop the autonomy of the child while letting him make his own mistakes and to learn the basis of them by self-correcting.

Is the Montessori method open to all children?

There is no profile required. Each child can learn autonomy, the awakening of the senses and abstract thinking using Montessori tools and activities. Each child learns from their own mistakes and advances according to their own pace and their own senses and sensitivities. The Montessori method therefore adapts gently to each child by helping him in his learning with the help of specific and scientific tools, proven and approved.

School to home…is it possible?

Montessori institutions are flourishing. But for the most part they are not under the yoke of the State and National Education. These institutions are therefore forced to survive without any subsidy or national public aid. This is why they are often private and their tuition fees can reach sky high levels for some parents.

The result is often prohibitive:Montessori schooling remains very expensive and puts off some parents, who are nevertheless keenly interested. Tuition fees can sometimes go up to 6,000 euros per year for a single child. Suffice to say that for a sibling it is like tearing out two arms! Added to this are the costs of transport, canteen... If this price is considered affordable for some, it remains unaffordable for modest incomes who nevertheless wish to have their children benefit from the benefits and benevolence of Montessori learning.

However, today it is possible to integrate the Montessori pedagogy into your daily life and to transfer the Montessori school activities directly to the house, for little to take the time to study the workings, the ins and outs in a serious way. and applied.

For example, materials and activities can be found directly via sites and stores selling Montessori school items. In addition to books and related subjects, do not hesitate to involve your child in this pedagogy directly from home.

Montessori Books

60 Montessori activities for my baby

How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all? How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all?

Examples and ideas of Montessori activities with baby

Babies like to stay in the environment close to that of their parents. Thus, they can observe them in their daily tasks and easily reproduce them later. This way of doing things is also ideal so that parents can see their child evolve in a natural way and without imposed constraints. So offer your toddler to help you in the kitchen or lend a hand with the housework. Innocuous, these activities will make him autonomous faster and he will inevitably learn! Let him go to the toys that attract him and let him evolve, while keeping in mind that he must familiarize himself with what surrounds him. Involve him in the daily life of the house and offer him early learning games inspired by the great precepts of Montessori pedagogy.

How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all? How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all?

Several brands offer them, such as the Oxybul éveil et jeux brand and its Ateliers Montessori range.

How to make Montessori pedagogy accessible to all?


Have you applied the Montessori method for your children?