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Helping women become mothers with assisted reproduction

Helping women become mothers with assisted reproduction

Because being a parent is the most beautiful thing there is, the Fertty International Clinic, Best Assisted Reproduction Clinic in Barcelona, ​​accompanies today's women towards motherhood through, among other things, assisted reproduction. .

Contents 1 Who is the Fertty International Clinic for? 1.1 MAP for women in a couple 1.2 MAP for women over 40

Who is the Fertty International Clinic for?

MAP for women in a relationship

Society is changing, family models are changing. The legalization of same-sex marriage in many countries is proof that mentalities are also changing. One of today's family models is the lesbian couple who also aspire to motherhood. Thanks to the assisted reproduction technique, women who live as a couple can finally realize their dream and become mothers.
However, starting a family with two moms is an obstacle course. Even if, slowly, society seems to admit that a couple today can be made up of two people of the same sex, access to motherhood is not facilitated for homosexual women. PMA is to this day still prohibited for lesbian women in France.
This is how the Fertty International Clinic poses as a modern clinic for new family models with the objective:to allow all women without discrimination to be able to become pregnant and cherish a child.
The most common treatments to help female couples have a child are insemination with sperm donation, IVF (in vitro fertilization) with sperm donation. In order for the two women in a couple to feel like actors of the pregnancy, the Fertty clinic can offer "shared motherhood" which consists of the woman who will not be carrying the child donating her eggs, then the eggs are fertilized with donor sperm, and then the embryos are transferred to the womb of the woman who will bear the child. Thus, the future baby is well conceived with both moms.

Helping women become mothers with assisted reproduction

MAP for women over 40

More and more women are putting their career before their personal life, and then one day the desire for a child is felt but they have trouble getting pregnant. Other women do not meet the man with whom to start a family until late and there too, the baby is desired. Finally, there are single women who are alone by choice or spite and who feel the need and the desire to have a child after 40, aware that their biological clock is advancing. All make the same observation:they come up against the evidence that getting pregnant after 40 is not easy. Late pregnancy is often difficult because the woman's eggs are not of good quality. In this case, IVF is required with the eggs of a younger woman.

The Fertty clinic has built its notoriety on its ability to support future parents in the assisted reproduction process with great humanity. No judgement, no complicated vocabulary, things are explained to the couples with simple words, and this, in the language of the patients. Everything is done in the personalized support that couples receive, so that women have nothing else to think about than relaxing to become pregnant without logistical or practical concerns. This is how the Fertty clinic achieves exceptional results with an international clientele who come to Barcelona to seek the professionalism that leads them to motherhood and simply happiness.