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Our tips for successful breastfeeding

Our tips for successful breastfeeding

10 tips to make breastfeeding easier

Contents 1 10 tips to make breastfeeding easier 1.1 Breastfeeding:a matter of maternal choice 1.2 10 tips for successful breastfeeding 1.2.1 1- Feed the newborn frequently 1.2.2 2- Find a good position for breastfeeding breastfeeding a newborn 1.2.3 3- Constantly monitor the baby's suckling 1.2.4 4- Breastfeed with both breasts regularly 1.2.5 5- Avoid pacifiers and bottles 1.2.6 6- Express your milk with a device efficient 1.2.7 7- Provide a medical kit in case of irritation 1.2.8 8- Be content to feed the baby exclusively with milk 1.2.9 9- Follow a rich and well-balanced diet 1.2.10 10- Ask help from breastfeeding counselors

When a woman gives birth, milk production is automatically stimulated. Although it is an innate event, it is necessary to be well prepared so that milk production is optimal. Among other things, the new mother must follow an appropriate diet to allow the baby to be given quality food, rich in nutrients.

For many women, this is a dreaded step because if poorly prepared, breastfeeding can be painful. Discover 10 tips for successful breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding:a matter of maternal choice

In France, approximately 60% of young mothers breastfeed their child. For some, it is a physiological need to do so, but others are forced to do so. Breastfeeding is a gesture of love and affection of the mother towards her child. This gesture should in no way be forced or abrupt. The young mother is the only person who decides whether or not to breastfeed her child. This is a very sacred moment between mother and child.

You should not cut your child's breast-feeding abruptly. Even if you return to work, it is important to try to feed him in the morning and in the evening. Then use mixed feeding for your child.

Our tips for successful breastfeeding

10 tips for successful breastfeeding

Here are some rules and tips for successful breastfeeding:

1- Feed the newborn frequently

Nourished in the mother's womb, the child must follow a regular diet. There is no fixed frequency, but above all it must be fed on demand. If you feel he is hungry, feed him! You need to understand that for a newborn there is no limited number of meals per day. He eats and sucks when he feels like it. For this reason, the mother must constantly eat well to meet the needs of the child.

The older the baby gets, the more milk it needs. Regarding the rise of milk, it increases as the feeding is done. No worries ! It is for this reason that it is important to have your child breastfeed regularly.

2- Find a good position for breastfeeding the newborn

In order to promote the flow of milk in the young mother, it is necessary to adopt a good position. The baby should be positioned so that his navel is facing the mother's belly and the breast is in her mouth. Maintaining this position is sometimes a great torture for women. You can use a nursing pad available from physiotherapists. Better known as the maternity cushion, the latter makes it possible to find the ideal height for breastfeeding without great effort. Make this purchase for the comfort of the young mother and her child 😉

If you are just starting out, do not hesitate to ask all the questions to the midwives. They are resource people who will be able to provide answers to all your questions. You can also find your answers on reliable maternity blogs like

3- Constantly monitor the baby's suckling

Breastfeeding can lead to some cases of infection, especially if breastfeeding is not well supervised. Indeed, some babies continue to suckle their mother's breast even though there is no more milk flow. The mother must watch the newborn to avoid these vacuum feedings which risk triggering certain health complications for the mother. You can alternate the baby between the two breasts to prevent the rise from stopping.

Finally, you have to keep the baby awake by singing songs to him or stroking him with his feet. These gestures help keep your child awake and especially prevent him from falling asleep before he has finished drinking.

4- Breastfeed with both breasts regularly

During the first week, the rise of milk must be stimulated in both breasts at the same time to avoid cases of milk rupture. Indeed, by prioritizing the feeding at the level of a single breast, it is possible that the latter will end up without too much milk. It is advisable to alternate feeding between the two breasts.

5- Avoid pacifiers and baby bottles

One of the first mistakes of any new mother is to introduce the newborn to the bottle too quickly. During the first two weeks, pacifiers and bottles should be avoided.

6- Express your milk with an efficient device

Contrary to what many people think, breastfeeding can be a very painful task for the mother. Indeed, to prevent the young mother from feeling trapped by her own child, it is often necessary to express the milk. It is possible to express the milk and give it to the child in a bottle for example. This exercise requires a lot of practice, because the beginning can be a little complex for the mother.

With the evolution of science, you can resort to more sophisticated methods of expressing milk. The electric breast pump is a device that allows you to extract milk quickly and automatically. A manual version of this device is also available which is less expensive, but which requires more physical effort on the part of the user. If you want time to relax or to get away from it all, opt for this innovative device.

7- Provide a medical kit in case of irritation

As a young mother breastfeeding her baby, you need to have a small emergency kit. During this period of breastfeeding, the mother can indeed be the victim of irritation just after feeding. For this reason, it is advisable to have medication to relieve the mother immediately. The most popular brand on the market is Lansinoh .

A very simple trick is to use a silicone nipple shield if the baby suckles too hard.

8- Only feed the baby only milk

What most people don't know is that the newborn only needs to take breast milk. Unlike adults, the latter does not feel the need to take water directly. In fact, breast milk is a liquid made up mostly of water.

9- Follow a rich and well-balanced diet

A breastfeeding woman must pay attention to her diet so that her milk is very rich. Indeed, the nutrients contained in milk depend mainly on the food consumed by the mother. It is advisable to eat fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel for their omega 3 intake.

10- Seek help from breastfeeding counselors

When it comes to breastfeeding, you often have to listen to experienced people who have practiced this for a long time. Indeed, there is no need to follow the recommendations of the grandmother or mother-in-law who have never breastfed to the letter. Although they are experienced people, prioritize those who have experienced this stage in their life.

If you don't know how to do it, don't worry. Lactation consultants are resource persons who help young mothers to give breast milk to their child. If you have a particular problem, you can contact a midwife, a childbirth specialist or a breastfeeding network.

As a mother, with time and practice you will have a flair for sensing your child's needs. It is a natural gift in the young mother.