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LOA car:is it the right plan?

Motorists seem more and more attracted by LOA offers offered by manufacturers and dealers, but is it really interesting for a family car? Explanations.

LOA car:is it the right plan?

Family car:a budget

The purchase of a family car, that is to say a station wagon or a minivan, is very often necessary for many families who need space, starting with baby strollers or even car seats, which take up space and also require space to be installed. The family car meets a need for space and comfort, for both short and long journeys. Simply, prices can vary and the family vehicle requires setting a budget, both for purchase and for maintenance.

Simply, more and more motorists prefer to rent their car rather than buy it with rental offers with option to buy and long-term rental. The idea of ​​this contract is to pay monthly rent including the use of the vehicle and its maintenance, this avoids having to pay its purchase price and leasing makes vehicles of a higher range accessible. You can personalize the vehicle, the annual mileage, the level of maintenance supported but also the terms of the leasing contract.

Minivan or station wagon leasing:the principle

Leasing is interesting from the moment it is concluded for a period of less than 3 years, it is the automobile specialists who come to this conclusion by comparing a classic credit offer with an LOA or LLD offer. The first years of use of the vehicle do not require a lot of maintenance and the discount of the vehicle avoids losing too much money in leasing. Simply, when you start to accumulate the years of rental, the rent can quickly cost more than the purchase in credit with the interviews at the expense of the motorist.

A point to take into account, leasing does not recover a resale value, unless the motorist buys the vehicle by exercising the purchase option of the LOA, this involves paying the residual value of the vehicle. For long-term leasing, it is a simple return of the vehicle, which involves taking out a new lease or buying another vehicle (or even taking over a leasing contract). Overall, the family car is often more expensive, so moderate use over a short period (less than three years) will make leasing more financially attractive, but the best thing is to do your own calculation with a leasing comparator like Auto-, not to mention car insurance and maintenance.