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Public or private EHPAD:advantages and disadvantages?

Public or private EHPAD:advantages and disadvantages?

With age, autonomy decreases and dependence can set in. To improve the daily lives of people with loss of autonomy, it is possible to turn to retirement homes. Also called EHPAD, accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people, these 10,000 structures welcome seniors. There are public EHPADs or private EHPADs. How to choose between the two? To find out, here are the pros and cons of each of these retirement homes.

What is the difference between a public EHPAD and a private EHPAD?

The public EHPAD is very majority in France since it represents 80% of retirement homes. These are placed under the authority of either:

  • of a social action center,
  • public assistance,
  • of a hospital centre.

The prices of an EHPAD are regulated by the Departmental Council on whose territory the structure is located. Residents can receive social assistance, they pay an average of €50 per day for accommodation, catering and access to various activities. Health care is extra. They are reimbursed by the Health Insurance and the Mutual.

Private retirement homes most often belong to a mutual insurance company, a pension fund, or even a hotel group. More rarely, a private EHPAD may belong to an association or a foundation. Often more pleasant, these structures are also more expensive since you have to pay an average of €80 per day.


Whether you choose a public or private EHPAD, know that each of these structures has assets to take into consideration depending on the profile of the resident and especially his state of health.

What are the advantages of a public EHPAD?

Without a public retirement home, residents can benefit from the APA, in other words the Personalized Autonomy Allowance. Thanks to this financial assistance, the cost of care is reduced, which is sometimes essential for the resident's family.

Another important point is that public EHPADs are spread throughout the country and cover rural areas, or at least outside cities. Residents enjoy spacious premises and visitors have easy access to the structure.

What are the advantages of a private EHPAD?

Less numerous than public institutions, private retirement homes have advantages. The first is that the services offered are often more luxurious. This difference is explained by a larger budget.

Because private establishments cost more, they are less accessible. It is therefore easier to find a place there. In case of rapid loss of autonomy, placement can be done as soon as possible, which is very reassuring. In general, waiting lists are short everywhere in France.

Finally, even if public EHPADs can be pleasant to live in, private retirement homes most often offer superior material comfort.

The disadvantages

Just as there are advantages in both private and public, both types of structures also have disadvantages that can help you make a choice.

What are the disadvantages of a public EHPAD?

A public retirement home may suffer from a lack of financial means. Because it is a public structure, it may have to reduce its costs to remain "viable". The consequences can be felt on the entertainment, the lack of services (pedicure, hairdresser ...), even if the latter are not non-existent either. Still for lack of budget, it happens that buildings wait too long for renovation.

The waiting lists to integrate a public EHPAD are very long. It must be said that these structures welcome everyone! It is wise to anticipate long-term demands and loss of autonomy. If you suffer from a disabling illness, the steps must therefore be taken in advance.

What are the disadvantages of a private EHPAD?

The price in a private retirement home is very high. Sometimes, even with social assistance, it is impossible to meet the costs without calling on loved ones. The situation can then create tensions. Even if the cost of these structures is now regulated, it remains too high for many retirees.

The majority of private retirement homes are located in cities. They are popular with still able-bodied residents who take advantage of the proximity of shops. However, these structures are noisier. They cause stress and fatigue. Accessibility and lack of parking can reduce family visits.

Public or private EHPAD:how to make the right choice?

Of course, to select a retirement home, you have to take into consideration the personality of the resident, their expectations, their financial resources, their family and their state of health. On this last point, it should be noted that in both the private and public sectors, access to medical care is guaranteed.

Depending on the place of residence and the budget of the resident, visits can be organized to discover the structures present in the selected sector. The resident's pathologies can be decisive. For example, there are EHPAD units for people with Alzheimer's disease.

If you are moving towards a public structure for a loved one or for yourself, you must make a request via the online form named:Application for admission to a residential establishment for dependent elderly people. The file is national. In addition to completing the form, you are asked to attach documents and then submit the file online or by post.