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Aging well:what does this concept mean?

Aging well:what does this concept mean?

The concept of "ageing well" appeared with the beginning of the change in mentality towards the elderly at work since the end of the 20 e century, and especially with the aging of our society. It is estimated that by 2040, people over 60 will represent a third of the population. The current problem is no longer to extend the lifespan as long as possible.

Life expectancy at birth is in fact 85.6 years for women and 79.1 years for men, compared to 69.2 years and 63.4 years respectively in the 1950s. to improve the quality of life of aging people. This is called the concept of “ageing well” which more generally refers to preventive actions in different areas such as health, autonomy, development, etc. Explanations.

“Aging well”:keeping people healthy

It is a fact today:we are living longer and longer. One of the objectives is then more to age in good health. Even if diseases are more prevalent with age, it is possible to “age well”, in any case to age better, by applying the principles of prevention put forward by numerous scientific studies.

To stay healthy for as long as possible, all health players today agree that it is important to stay active as you age. This is why the way of life of seniors (leisure, sporting activities, food, etc.), while being adapted to their age, must help to keep them in action, which helps to prevent diseases due to aging.

“Aging well” also refers to a whole range of preventive actions whose objective is in particular to prolong the autonomy of the elderly and to preserve as much as possible a quality of life by staying at home.

“Aging well”:continuing to thrive with age

“Aging well” is not just about taking care of your health. It is also to continue to flourish while advancing in age. One of the keys, in fact, to delaying the harmful effects of aging is to continue to lead a rich social life and to maintain ties with other generations in particular.

As Santé publique France, the national public health agency in France, points out, the concept of aging well can be summed up fairly well in these terms:"desire and pleasure are the common thread of this approach to enable seniors to stay in touch and age serenely .

The organization specifies that there are several levels of recommendations for “aging well” according to the age of seniors. For young retirees, “aging well” means eating well, moving, keeping your brain alert, thinking about yourself to protect your body and your health. For people over 75, this concept rather addresses information that concerns different situations due to the changes that the body experiences more as it ages. But, for older people too, aging well involves maintaining social ties to avoid isolation, as well as intergenerational ties, the need to preserve cognitive functions, as well as continuing to eat well, to practice an activity adapted physical or even think of oneself, enhance one's life projects, etc.

The concept of “aging well” can therefore be summed up by taking into account biological, cognitive and social criteria to advance in age in the best possible way.