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75 Grandma's Recipes With Baking Soda.

75 Grandma s Recipes With Baking Soda.

The very, very first time I used baking soda ?

It's thanks to a trick from my grandmother to replace baking powder.

And indeed, it works like hell to make your cakes perfectly moist!

For those who don't know, bicarbonate comes in the form of a very fine white powder.

When it comes into contact with an acid and a liquid, the bicarbonate releases small bubbles of carbon dioxide.

It is for this reason that it is often used in baking, as a leavening agent.

But did you know that this little white powder has an incredible number of magical uses?

At home, we call it the "all-purpose powder"!

Here are 75 grandmother's recipes with baking soda . Watch:

75 Grandma s Recipes With Baking Soda.

  • Health &body care benefits:
  • In the house and in the garden:
  • In the kitchen:
  • To clean up:
  • Where to find baking soda easily?
  • What is the difference between baking soda and baking soda?
  • What are the dangers of baking soda?

Health benefits &body care:

1. Neutralizes heartburn and acid reflux.

2. Replaces deodorant. Just sprinkle it under your arms. To make it even easier, I recommend using a puff like this.

3. Make a whitening toothpaste by mixing half a teaspoon of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide.

4. Make a gentle scrub for face and body.

5. For softer skin, put 250 g of baking soda in your bath water.

6. Relieves itchy skin due to mosquito bites. The trick also works to relieve sunburn.

7. Eliminates bad odors from your hands.

8. Relieves baby's diaper rash:put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in baby's bath water.

9. Apply to irritated skin and any insect bites to relieve itching.

10. Add baking soda to your bath water to relieve skin irritations.

11. To relieve heartburn, drink a mixture of water and baking soda. (1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in half a glass of water)

12. Eliminates bad breath. Just make a mouthwash with bicarbonate water. (1 half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water)

13. Bicarbonate mouthwashes also help treat canker sores.

14. Treats bee stings.

15. Relieves redness, irritation and burns of the skin due to cold and wind.

16. Apply it to jellyfish stings to extract the venom.

17. Do you have a stuffy nose? Unclog it by adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to your air humidifier.

In the house and in the garden:

18. To keep a bouquet of flowers longer, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the water in the vase.

19. Extinguish small fires on carpets, upholstery, clothing and wood.

20. To avoid bad smells from the refrigerator, place a cup filled with baking soda inside.

21. To eliminate the smell of cold tobacco, put a layer of baking soda at the bottom of the ashtray. It also prevents ashtrays from catching fire.

22. Sprinkle it in your shoes, sneakers, slippers, boots, shoes, pumps, sneakers and socks to eliminate bad smells.

23. To make homemade modeling clay, mix flour, salt, water and baking soda. Plus, the recipe is edible!

24. After baby's meal, rub his clothes with a damp cloth sprinkled with baking soda to prevent bad odors.

25. Traces of water on your windshield due to rain? Keep your windshield cleaner longer with bicarbonate water.

26. To eliminate bad odors from your tea towels, soak them in a basin of bicarbonated water.

27. Does your vacuum cleaner smell bad? Vacuum baking soda with it to clean it and eliminate bad smells.

28. To scent the house and clean the air, mix baking soda with your scented bath salts. Put this mixture in small sachets.

29. Have your brush hairs hardened? Boil them in a mixture of 2 liters of water, 60 ml of white vinegar and 25 g of baking soda.

30. Sprinkle under sinks and along basement windows to repel cockroaches and ants.

31 . To prevent rabbits from nibbling on your vegetables, sprinkle baking soda around your vegetable garden.

32. Put baking soda in the ground when planting your tomato plants. That way, your tomatoes will be sweeter and less acidic.

33. To neutralize cat litter odors, sprinkle a good layer of baking soda in the bottom of the box.

34. Does your dog or cat smell bad? Sprinkle baking soda on his brush. Then, brush your pet's coat with the brush to eliminate bad smells.

75 Grandma s Recipes With Baking Soda.

In the kitchen:

35. Use baking soda to replace the baking powder. Just mix it with cream of tartar or white vinegar.

36. Use it to sanitize fruits and vegetables and remove pesticides.

37. Do you want to pluck poultry more easily? Immerse it in a large saucepan of boiling water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. You will be able to remove the feathers much more easily. In addition, the flesh will be very clean and white.

38. To make dried beans more digestible (and prevent flatulence), soak them in bicarbonated water.

39. To soften game meat that tastes too strong or bitter, soak it in bicarbonated water.

40. Make a homemade sports drink by mixing baking soda, boiled water, salt and powdered drink.

41. Before cooking fish, soak raw pieces in bicarbonated water for 1 hour in the refrigerator. It will save you from bad fish smells in the whole house.

42. For very fluffy and airy omelettes, froth the eggs by adding baking soda. (1 half spoon for 3 eggs)

43. In the kitchen, add 1 pinch of baking soda to your tomato-based dishes to reduce acidity.

To clean up:

44. Pour 25 g of baking soda into your toilet bowl. Leave for 1 hour and flush. It cleans the toilet and eliminates bad smells.

45. Use it to clean and shine tiles. But also sinks, showers and bathtubs (plastic and porcelain).

46. Use it as a spray with water to clean mirrors, walls, countertops and other surfaces.

47. Add 2 heaping tablespoons to the detergent drawer of your dishwasher. This will degrease it and increase its cleaning power.

48. Use it to clean burnt pots and pans.

49. Dry clean carpets, rugs and upholstery. Sprinkle the entire surface with baking soda and brush lightly to penetrate the fibres. Leave on for 1 hour (or overnight), then vacuum thoroughly.

50. To boost the action of the laundry, sprinkle a handful of baking soda on your laundry before washing.

51. Prepare a paste of water and baking soda to shine stainless steel and chrome.

52. Remove grease pencil stains from walls and lino floors.

53. Clean sneakers and shoes.

54. Use it to clean trash cans thoroughly.

55. Use it to wash and neutralize pee and poop odors on baby's cloth diapers.

56. Use it to thoroughly clean a very dirty fridge.

57. To clean and disinfect hairbrushes and combs, soak them in bicarbonate water.

58. Use water and baking soda to clean your Tupperware and other food containers.

59. Clean marble surfaces with bicarbonate water. (3 tablespoons of baking soda for 1 liter of hot water)

60. To clean a Formica worktop (the laminate), use a damp sponge and baking soda.

61. Use it to get rid of stale odors from water bottles, Thermoses and coolers.

62. Run bicarbonated water through your coffee maker, then rinse it with clear water. The trick also works with teapots.

63. Clean and deodorize baby bottles by soaking them in hot water and baking soda.

64. Clean the dirty barbecue grate. Just sprinkle it with baking soda, rub with a sponge and rinse with warm water.

65. Use it to remove oil stains from the garage floor. Sprinkle on oil stains, scrub with a scrub brush and rinse.

66. To pickle a burnt pan, boil hot water and baking soda in it.

67. To clean an ashtray thoroughly, scrub it with baking soda, hot water and a sponge.

68. Every week, pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda down your drains to keep them clean. Rinse with warm water.

69. To clean a shower curtain easily, soak it in bicarbonate water.

70. Clean fabric handbags by rubbing them with baking soda and a small soft brush.

71. The plastic packaging of the bread has melted on your toaster? Use a damp cloth sprinkled with baking soda to remove it effortlessly.

72. Use it to clean dentures and dental appliances.

73. Clean the casseroles with a paste made from water and baking soda. The trick works on enameled cast iron or stainless steel casserole dishes.

74. To clean a very dirty oven thoroughly, just use water and baking soda. (4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of hot water)

75. Use it to clean gas stove burners.

Where to find baking soda easily?

75 Grandma s Recipes With Baking Soda.

As you can see, baking soda really is a magic product !

Whether it's its health benefits, its uses at home, in baking, for the household and even in the garden...

Its versatility is simply mind-blowing.

One product with so many tips and uses!

But for me, the most amazing thing about baking…

It's its very low price!

Indeed, baking soda does not cost much.

By the way, click here to find out where to find it easily and cheaply.

This means that you can enjoy all these amazing uses without costing you an arm and a leg!

Which bicarbonate to use for all these tricks?

Know that you can use both food and household baking soda.

Both work very well!

By the way, do you know the difference between each type of bicarbonate?

What is the difference between baking soda and baking soda?

75 Grandma s Recipes With Baking Soda.

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda?

Food grade bicarbonate, technical bicarbonate or household bicarbonate?

Er… but why so many different names for a single product?

Fortunately, all the differences are explained in this article.

What are the dangers of bicarbonate?

75 Grandma s Recipes With Baking Soda.

Yes, like any effective product, baking soda can also have undesirable effects... if it is misused!

Click here to discover the 7 dangers of baking soda that everyone should know.