This Grandma's Cough Remedy made from bananas is very effective.
It is perfect for treating coughs and bronchitis that last.
Know that it works particularly well in children.
But it also gives good results in adults.
In addition, this cream is delicious, healthy and very nutritious, not to mention that it also has beneficial effects on the stomach.
If your child has a sore throat or a cough, do not hesitate to prepare this incredible cream! Especially since it is very easy to make... Watch:
- 2 ripe bananas medium sized. Those with black spots are the best.
- 2 tablespoons sugar or honey , depending on your preference.
(If you choose honey, you should add it when the mixture cools down a bit, because honey loses its properties at high temperatures).
- 400 ml of boiling water.
1. Peel the bananas.
2. Put them in a bowl.
3. Mash them with a spoon or fork.
4. Add the sugar.
5. Mix well.
6. Pour boiling water over it.
7. Cover with a lid for 30 min .
There you go, the cough will go away after a few days :-)
Simple, practical and effective.
No need to buy expensive drugs!
To be effective, this remedy must be administered 4 times a day in a dose of 100 ml, after warming it up.
During the treatment, this preparation must be repeated every day. Don't worry, it's quick and easy!
Please note, we remind you that honey should not be given to a child under 1 year old.