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Children's book subscription; the best children's books in the mailbox every month!

Do you want to motivate your child to read? Or would you like to read to yourself? Or do you want to read alternately, just cozy in bed with your child. He or she a page and you a page? It's all possible with a great children's book subscription. You can also go to the library of course, but experience shows that a monthly package with your own books in the letterbox is an extra incentive to start reading. Heyreader is the perfect place to do this.

Table of contents

Why reading aloud is so good for every child (and the parent)

Reading is good for every child, we all know that by now. But did you also know that reading aloud ultimately ensures that your child also picks up a book more quickly? If you can get it into your system to read aloud every night, that has a lot of advantages:

  • You have some real quality time with your child before going to sleep
  • Your child will have the opportunity to de-stress completely and will therefore sleep more easily
  • Your child's vocabulary increases enormously by reading aloud and reading to yourself
  • The 'pleasure' of reading is recognized much more by children who are read to, even when they are older
  • Reading is the perfect preparation for learning to read
  • It is good for empathy because all kinds of (new) situations are discussed from which a child can learn

Bookworm or not, bookmail is always fun with a children's book subscription!

The biggest disadvantage of reading to me in the past was that I always picked up the same book. Initially born out of convenience, but then also because my sweet children insisted on having that book every time. If I could do it over with reading, I would do it differently now. For example, through a children's book subscription. Not only because of the above advantages of reading to your child, but also to be able to keep my attention.

Because I dare to mention one major disadvantage of reading aloud:you fall asleep yourself!

Do you recognize that? I could hardly keep my eyes open while reading. I often started nodding my head after reading a page or two. Or I yawned everything together. And I don't think so because I was ready for bed at 7 PM myself. But more because I already knew the story. And that is a thing of the past with a children's book subscription! Because with this you have a new great children's book to read every month. I would like to take a look at the subscription that you can take out at Heyreader for a monthly children's book package.

A new children's book every month with Heyreader subscription

At Heyreader they work with different boxes of children's books that you can subscribe to. These boxes are age-oriented and range from wondering and discovering to reading aloud and ultimately reading all by yourself. For example, you can already take out a subscription for babies from 0 to 24 months. The box does not only contain a fantastic booklet, but also, for example, a growth chart and a nice crackle.

If you look at one of the subscriptions to the children's books for older children, you will see that the box is supplemented with a super reading calendar and accompanying magnets and reading assignments as a welcome gift. With this you make the evening ritual not only enjoyable with reading or reading yourself, but also challenging because of the extra assignments. You can plan reading time together on the calendar and you can save the book magnets that you receive with the children's book subscription. And saving is somehow magical for children, you know that right?!

You can already take out a monthly subscription from € 15.95.

When will you get a good subscription to children's books?

We can be very brief about that. A good children's book subscription ensures that your child experiences a lot of fun while reading aloud or reading it yourself. The children's books must therefore be very fun to read. However, you are dependent on the company where you have taken out your subscription. The great thing about Heyreader is that they already test the books in advance. They do this as follows:

For starters, there is a children's book expert who filters the children's books for the subscription. She knows the children's book world like the back of her hand and chooses the best books that make our children happy. But that's not all. Because before the books are put in the box, they have been extensively read and assessed by the entire team (parents and children of course)!

This way you are assured that the book that you receive in your mailbox that month is really a book that is liked to be read.

Try it yourself? Participate in this giveaway!

Do you want to know whether the children's book subscription is something for you? Then participate in this giveaway. We can give away a children's book box to one of our readers. And who knows, you might be. What can you do to qualify for this package?

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  • We will draw a winner after December 20, 2021 and we will automatically notify him