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With these tips you can potty train children in a fun way

Is your toddler walking around with a dry diaper longer and longer and can you tell by the face when the diaper is being filled? Then this could mean your little one is ready for the toilet adventure. So it's practice, practice and more practice. How to potty train your child and make it not only easier, but also more fun? Here it comes.

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How to toilet-train your child, or at least lend a hand help?

Let's start by saying that you are not in control of everything. One child is simply easier to potty train or faster than another. And that's not all that big of a problem. Unless your child is already 4 years old and not yet potty trained, but does go to school. Then it gets more annoying of course. In all other cases you can practice a bit with your child toilet training and you can read below how to do that.

Big tip:keep it fun!

Getting used to the potty and reading together

Let your child play around the potty without having to do anything with it. For example, potty training your child does not become a thing in itself, but slowly becomes part of the routine of the day. Grab a book and read about poop and pee together. This way children become familiar with the potty and it is no longer scary or exciting.

Better yet, they will automatically find the potty interesting and you don't have to worry about getting your child potty trained anymore.

From diaper to underpants; this is how you toilet train your child

Grab your child's favorite stuffed animal and put it on the potty. Explain that the cuddly toy can pee on the potty and therefore no longer needs to wear a diaper. With a diaper pants you are one step closer to the underpants. They absorb less well, so that children realize more quickly that they have urinated or pooped. In addition, diaper pants are also the solution for parents of children who cannot lie still while changing. You put them on and off like regular underpants, it's that easy.

Many children also find diaper pants interesting. There's nothing more fun than putting on and taking off your 'underpants' yourself, right? This is also a way of getting one step closer to potty training your child without putting pressure on it.

Going to the potty is fun!

Don't be too serious, make it a game. Children can otherwise hold up their poo and pee out of tension and then you are a lot further from home. With the right distraction you create a moment where your child sits on the potty with a big smile. The tips below can help you potty train your child in a fun way.

Does your child like to read? Then purchase some books that are only read from on the jarMake up a 'pee song together ' or buy a jar that makes musicGive the rinse water a nice color † As soon as there is pee, it is a surprise what color it will be. To teach the little guys how to aim properly, you can get started with shaving cream † Let him focus on this, it makes peeing really fun.

Lots of stickers

Every time it succeeds, you give one. Flood your child with compliments and tell me how proud you are † If it doesn't work, just try again later. Patience is a virtue here. When your child realizes that you are disappointed, there is a good chance that it will not work. So be enthusiastic and positive and get a whole load of stickers at home.

Is it still not possible to potty train your child and are you wondering how to tackle this now? Don't worry, as said, not every child is equally fast and that doesn't matter at all. If you have been using the above for a while and you notice that going on the potty is not getting any easier, at least make sure that you are sure that your child is physically and mentally okay.