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dryly; help your child on the way to dry nights with a bedwetting alarm

How nice! Your toddler is potty trained during the day. That already saves a lot of diapers. Some children are immediately dry at night, but it usually takes a while before a child is also toilet trained at night. If your child is not also toilet trained at night, that is certainly not a cause for concern, it can really take a while. To help a child become night-training, you can use a bedwetting alarm. In this article we tell you more about the Dryly bedwetting alarm, which is slightly different from all other bedwetting alarms.

Most children are potty trained between 2 and 3 years old. Some children a little earlier, others a little later. First they are potty trained during the day, later also at night. For most children, this comes naturally after a while. When a child is around 4 or 5 years old, it is often also toilet trained at night. And also here applies; some children a little earlier, others a little later. If a child is 7 years old and it still regularly wets its bed, then there is only talk of a problem and you may be able to get started with a Dryly bedwetting alarm to help your child.

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What is a bedwetting alarm and why should you (should) use Dryly?

Many children are already ready to be toilet trained at night, for example, because they find a wet diaper annoying. A Dryly bedwetting alarm is a handy tool to help your child become night potty trained. It is the most well-known, but also the most effective and successful method of potty training a child at night. A bedwetting alarm is an alarm that goes off when the special underwear he is wearing comes into contact with moisture. If the special pants get wet, it sends a signal to the alarm clock. The bedwetting alarm goes off to wake up your baby, but Dryly does even more. Once he has turned off the alarm, he gets up and goes to the bathroom. In this way a child learns to wake up from a full bladder.

The Dryly® bedwetting alarm

There are several bedwetting alarms available, but most of them have a dull look. Many children find this annoying, or at least a pity. Dryly is convinced that the solution against bedwetting should be more fun. Because the more fun the solution is, the more motivated your child is to really go for it. And the faster your child is and remains dry at night.

Dryly does things a little differently. Wizzu, a lovely soft panda bear, makes this bedwetting alarm special and unique. Who wouldn't want to be friends with this cute panda?! Many children experience Wizzu the panda bear as a friend who helps to become toilet trained, Wizzu gives them the confidence that it will work! No, this alarm clock is not on the bedside table next to the bed, children can fall asleep wonderfully with this bear next to them in bed.

That's not all; The bedwetting alarm app for the smartphone contains various game elements that stimulate your child even more and become even more motivated to work on a solution against bedwetting.

How does the Dryly bedwetting alarm work?

Small threads are woven into the Dryly boxer shorts. The transmitter that you can attach to the boxer shorts receives a signal when the underwear comes into contact with moisture. This transmitter sends a message to Wizzu the Panda Bear. Wizzu makes a sound that wakes up your baby. In turn, Wizzu sends a message to the parents' smartphone via a WiFi connection. Because the support of parents is also crucial in the process towards night potty training. A bedwetting alarm training is something for the parents and the child together.

So be prepared for some broken nights. After all, your child cannot do it alone, not even with the Dryly bedwetting alarm. He needs your support and optimism. An accident is something to learn from, so if your child still regularly wets his bed in the first time, there is not immediately something wrong. Just go on happily together, don't worry about it if you don't succeed overnight. And it probably goes without saying, give your child a compliment when he wakes up the next morning and has remained completely dry.

Have courage!

And it works; more than 93% of the children who use a bedwetting alarm are toilet trained within 6-8 weeks, also with Dryly. So be sure to keep your spirits up!