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Help your child be independent

Help your child be independent

How to help your child to be independent?

Contents 1 How to help your child to be independent? 2 Why should children learn to be independent? 3 How to teach autonomy to a child? 3.1 Give him responsibilities he can handle 3.2 Avoid holding your child by the hand all the time 3.3 Introduce choices with limited options 3.4 Let him sometimes make his own decisions 3.5 Have empathy for your child 3.6 Don't make failure a major problem 4 Establish an appropriate routine 4.1 Teach him to negotiate 4.2 Remember to encourage him

Young children rarely understand the concept of getting things done on time, and being responsible for their actions. Parents wonder how to make their children independent in the best way, without it being perceived as a punishment. It takes some time to instill in them a streak of independence. Indeed, this character must be able to come from within. As a parent, you can nudge your children in the right direction by giving them some advice. You can also let them discover their own independence, in their own way.

Help your child be independent

Why should children learn to be independent?

Your children are certainly old enough to take full advantage of their games, even with a company crèche . But learning a few life skills from an early age can prepare them for the demands of their future. Children take some time to understand the concept of choice and to make the right decision. Introducing choices from childhood helps them know themselves better and understand what could make them happy.

There will be times when your child won't do exactly what you expect them to. But if he is independent, he will admit his mistakes. He will even come to you for support, and will be open to advice on how to improve his abilities and gradually change his habits. Self-esteem develops very early in everyone. And it can be stronger if the child begins to trust himself and his own decisions.

The difference between warning the child of a danger and dealing with it himself is important. Being independent allows your child to start learning things on their own. But also, it allows him to be better informed as an individual of age to evolve.

How to teach autonomy to a child?

There are many ways to teach your child to be independent:

Give him responsibilities he can handle

Your child doesn't need to start taking care of household finances or making big decisions. Independence has to start with yourself, and that's where you can help it. If you are planning a picnic, and you need your child's help, give them simple tasks. Let him also prepare his own luggage for a short weekend trip.

Avoid holding your child by the hand all the time

Many parents often confuse child orientation with handling. They too often intervene in initiatives that are natural for a child. You should certainly educate him from an early age, just giving him clear instructions. He will be able to accomplish the task more easily. Let him come to you if he needs help, rather than intervening unnecessarily.

Introduce choices with limited options

Asking your child what they would like to eat at a restaurant out of a whole range of recipes can be overwhelming. Instead, choose a set of options from the menu, and ask them to choose one of them. Starting with a narrower range of choices can help narrow it down to what it really needs.

Let him sometimes make his own decisions

You may prefer your child to do their homework before going outside to play. But he may also prefer to play first and do his homework afterwards. Give him some freedom in more restricted areas, such as the choice of his clothes or his snack.

Have empathy for your child

Your child is just learning to be independent, and it's not easy for him. Above all, avoid scolding or putting him down, even if he fails to do something simple enough. Be there to support and help him, if he asks you and without judging him.

Don't make failure a major problem

Children fail and make mistakes. And they might even repeat them despite your warnings. Avoid focusing on failure, and let the child know what they could have done better. Do not make the link between failure and him, it can seriously damage his self-esteem.

Establish a proper routine

Children may have trouble making decisions for themselves if they don't think sequentially. This problem is easily remedied by establishing a fixed routine for them. For example, ask him every morning to help you prepare his things for the company crèche . Once the child knows what to do, at a certain time, he will start doing it on his own.

Teach him to negotiate

Many children tend to view the world as a win-lose proposition. Open your child to the world of compromise and negotiation. He will begin to understand how to make the most of the situation that presents himself to him. In particular, he can choose either the place of the picnic or the lunch menu. It will also help him set his own priorities.

Don't forget to encourage him

When the child does well the things he promised, do not hesitate to tell him how proud he makes you. Positive feedback is essential in shaping one's personality. And his parents' validation goes much further in this regard.