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8 things to say to your children to make them happy.

8 things to say to your children to make them happy.

All parents in the world have one thing in common.

They want the happiness of their children.

But what can you say or do to make them flourish?

We offer you 8 phrases to say regularly to your children so that they grow up happy :

8 things to say to your children to make them happy.

  • 1. Try it, find out!
  • 2. Make your own choice.
  • 3. You are safe.
  • 4. I am happy thanks to you.
  • 5. I trust you.
  • 6. You are unique.
  • 7. Did you make a mistake? It doesn't matter!
  • 8. I love you.

1. Try it, find out!

Encourage your child to make new discoveries, new experiences, to try new things.

Let go of his hand and let him go, making sure he doesn't take unnecessary risks.

You will give him the desire to be curious and help him gain self-confidence!

2. Make your own choice.

Give him the choice between two or three options gives him so much self-confidence, even if your child is still small.

He/she will have confidence in him/her and will not hesitate to assert himself.

3. You are safe.

A child only flourishes if he feels safe.

It is therefore important to remind him that he risks nothing by your side , that you are there to protect it.

4. I am happy thanks to you.

Do not forget to tell him that you are lucky to have a child like him/her.

In everyday life, we sometimes tend to highlight only the negative aspects!

5. I trust you.

With these simple words, you give him your approval and it is an incredible force to carry out its projects.

You also encourage and empower him.

6. You are unique.

It's not easy to build one's identity, to assert one's personality, to adhere to one's own values...

It is important to remind your child that he is great as he is . He must learn to esteem himself.

7. Did you make a mistake? It doesn't matter!

A mistake, a stupidity, a failure... it happens to everyone and that's how we learn.

If your child is paralyzed by the fear of hurting, he won't dare to try anything new.

The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and fix his mistakes.

8. I love you.

Because it's the most important, isn't it?

And There you go ! You now know how to help your child thrive :-)