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35 Gifts Your Kids Will Never Forget.

35 Gifts Your Kids Will Never Forget.

"Giving away is little. True giving , it's giving of oneself." —Kahlil Gibran

I have many childhood memories of Christmas. Most of them are related to our family moments and our traditions.

The funny thing is that almost none of them are related to a particular gift that I would have received.

I remember well the year I got my first bike, and the day my brother and I got that long-awaited Nintendo.

But other than that, I hardly remember my gifts...

35 Gifts Your Kids Will Never Forget.

So of course, since I became a parent myself, it made me think...

What gifts will be truly unforgettable for our children?

Who is the one who will have a real impact in their lives and will know how to make them grow (well)?

As I believe I have found some of the answers to these very important questions, I have decided to share them with you.

Here are 35 gifts your kids will never forget :

35 Gifts Your Kids Will Never Forget.

1. Encouragement. Sometimes a simple encouragement can change a lifetime. Show your children how much you love them and that they can trust them. Encourage them whenever you get the chance.

2. Creativity. Today, thanks to the Internet, anyone who wants to create something can do it. The world would be better if more people dared to fulfill their desire. To help get your kids excited about making things, here are the 37 best websites to learn something new from.

3. Challenge. Always encourage your children to dream big:their dreams really can come true. If they put strength and desire into it, they will achieve a lot. Maybe even more than you think possible.

4. Knowing what is right. Life is not fair and unfortunately, it never will be, for oneself or for others. But that doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to it! Faced with injustice, you have to teach your child to have compassion, to refuse it and therefore fight as best you can to correct it.

5. Knowing how to be happy with what you have. Our society pushes us to always want more. The antidote is the motto "Less is more". It is important that your children learn to be satisfied with what they already have and with the people around them.

6. Curiosity. Teach your children to ask questions:"who, where, how, why and why not?". As a parent, you absolutely must avoid saying "Stop asking so many questions".

7. Determination. In life, one of the key factors for success is willpower. How can you strengthen your child's? For example, by showing him that the best things in life take time to happen. It's a nice gift to give him so that he can flourish.

8. Discipline. Children have to learn many things, including what good behavior is, how to get along with others, or achieve a goal. Learning discipline should not be avoided or forgotten. On the contrary, discipline must be taught in a consistent and positive manner.

9. Learn to choose the right words. Words have a lot of power:to create or to destroy. The words you use today can give your children courage as well as hurt them deeply. So choose them well. It's the best way to teach your children to do the same.

10. Be faithful to those you love. Fidelity is not just about not cheating on your spouse. It is also our gaze on the Other, in love as in friendship, our infallible support in good and bad times. Your children will notice your sense of loyalty and will know how to reproduce it.

11. See beauty in all its forms. Help your children find beauty in everything they see...and in everything they encounter. Whether this beauty is aesthetic or more important, coming from the heart.

12. Teach them generosity. Teach your children to be generous by showing them the example, especially with regard to the most needy.

13. Honesty. Children who learn this value as early as possible are more likely to acquire it as they grow up. And be aware that honest adults who are in tune with what they say and do tend to be more confident and happier.

14. Teach them to keep hope. Hope is to always believe deep down that things will get better. It gives strength, resistance and determination. Hope is one of the best weapons to face the difficulties of life.

15. Give them hugs and kisses. I once heard the story of a man who told his 7 year old son that he was too big to ask for kisses. This story makes me sad whenever I think about it. Of course, your children will never be too old to receive your gestures of affection.

16. Encourage their imagination. If there's one thing we've seen over the past 20 years, it's that the world is changing faster and faster. And not necessarily for the better. The world of tomorrow will be very different from today. And it is the people with the most imagination who will be able to push humanity towards a better world.

17. Show your intention. When you are a parent, it is very important to take the time to think about what you want to do for your children, why and how. Show your children that your only intention is always "what's good for them":they will better understand why you act this way with them.

18. Your knees. Take your children on your knees! It's the best place in the world to tell a story, chat or read a book. Not so complicated to make them happy huh?!;-)

19. Never stop learning. The passion to learn is more than getting good grades in school. It starts at home:read, go to the cinema and the museum, ask questions and discuss with your children. In fact, show that you enjoy learning with them.

20. Love, always. The most beautiful of all the gifts you can give them.

21. Sharing a meal. The meal is a special moment that should not be underestimated. A family that doesn't share a meal doesn't grow together.

22. Respect for Nature. Children love the world around them, but are not necessarily aware that every gesture counts. As a parent, I often ask my daughter to keep her room clean and tidy in the house. Shouldn't we also teach them to keep the outside world clean and orderly?

23. Test a bunch of activities. Children need to experience new things to find out what appeals to them. And it doesn't have to cost money. But it is clear that parents know how to set aside time for their children to discover what they like.

24. Know how to be optimistic. Pessimists don't change the world. Optimists do.

25. Promote kindness and benevolence around you. On a global scale, you probably think that's not your job. But if you're already starting with everyone you meet, it's totally doable and a great place to start. And I'm sure your children will learn from it.

26. Cultivate their pride. Remember to congratulate your children on a daily basis, even for the little things in life. After all, you have to start doing small things to do big things.

27. Right to error. Children require a lot of patience and it is true that it is not always easy. But let them explore and make mistakes. Even as adults, we do, right?! So give them room for error.

28. Self-confidence. It is very important to have self-confidence. This allows you to become an adult with strong values ​​and who knows how to be respected.

29. Sense of humor. A rule to respect on a daily basis:laugh with your children at least once a day... And it will be contagious, for the greatest happiness of all, believe me!

30. Open them to spirituality and philosophy. Often, having faith allows us to see beyond our own lives. Our children are not just a body, but a spirit and a soul. Even if they don't believe in a religion - and it's their right! - it's always good to teach them to reflect on the meaning of existence. Philosophy is thus perfect for them, at any age!

31. Bring stability. A stable home is a solid foundation on which to build one's life. Teach your children that they can count on you, that you will always be there for them, whatever the vagaries of life.

32. Give your time... Time is the most precious gift you can give your children. Give it to those you love. Your children will do the same later.

33. ...And your full attention. Disconnect from your screens to better connect to others and your children.

34. Be unique. Our differences make us unique. Show others that you are unique, with your faults and your qualities. It will be an important source of inspiration for your children.

35. A welcoming home. Having a welcoming home is an extremely pleasant feeling. Make your home a place of happiness for your children, which is synonymous with serenity and happiness.

As you will have understood, none of these gifts can be bought in stores or online. That's the point!

And what's great is that all these unforgettable presents are available all year round for your children. Not only at Christmas;-)

Your turn...

And you, what gifts do you plan to give your children? Share them in comments. We can't wait to read you!