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The Age-by-Age Task Chart To Promote Children's Autonomy!

The Age-by-Age Task Chart To Promote Children s Autonomy!

When children are babies, parents get into the habit of doing everything .

But fortunately, when the children grow up, household chores can be delegated.

Many parents wonder at what age a child can start helping with household chores.

Children can start participating and helping as young as 2 years old.

It teaches them a sense of responsibility. It helps them develop a number of abilities, skills and self-esteem.

And rest assured, because young children love to help!

Here is the age-by-age task chart to promote children's autonomy . Watch:

The Age-by-Age Task Chart To Promote Children s Autonomy!

Click here to print this table in PDF format.

A 2-year-old child can learn to:

- Put away toys and books with help. Not perfectly, but helping them they get there.

- Find his shoes and socks and try to put them on by himself.

- Put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

- Throw your rubbish in the trash.

A 3-year-old child will love cleaning up with you. It can:

- Do all of the above, only better , more:

- Store all toys and belongings properly.

- Fold and store clothes in the right drawers.

- Washing up.

- Store your game boxes and toys.

- Tidy up its shelves and drawers.

- Use a dustpan and a broom.

- Put away your coat and shoes.

- Put the objects in their place.

A 4-year-old child can also:

- Setting the table:plates and glasses.

- Get rid of dirty plates and glasses to put them in the sink.

- Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

- Better tidy up your room .

- Wipe a mess.

- Dressby yourself .

- Filling a glass on your own.

- Make yourself an easy-to-make sandwich.

- Start learning how to make your bed.

- Learn to use a knife and fork correctly.

A 5-year-old child can:

- Wash body and hair with assistance and supervision.

- Making your own bed by pulling up the sheets and duvet.

- Help put groceries in the cupboards.

- Set the table then clear the salt, pepper, sauces after dinner and store the placemats in the drawer.

From 6 years old, he can:

- Help prepare meals under your supervision. Kids love to help cook.

- Vacuuming and dusting.

- Empty the dishwasher and put away the dishes.

- Fold and put away and clean clothes.

Yes, they can do all that!

Why involve children in household chores?

They enjoy doing and learning new things.

They like to be "big enough" to help adults.

Learning to do these things when they are little allows them to do them naturally later on.

So stop doing everything for your children!

Give them the opportunity to do things on their own like grown-ups.

This way you educate them and they learn what is important in life .

If you start giving them tasks when they are little, it will be much easier later on.

The children will do what you asked without problem and without complaint.

It will become something normal:like going to the bathroom, eating, washing your hands...

Children can do a lot of household chores without any difficulty such as:spreading their wet towels, folding their clothes and putting them in the drawer, setting the table, clearing it, helping to mix a preparation, cutting food and preparing things in the kitchen.

So let them do it!

Set the bar high and you'll be surprised they can rise to the challenge. If you set it too low, then they won't overdo it...

The higher you set your goals and the more effort they will make to achieve them.

Think of those 8-year-olds in developing countries!

They take care of their younger siblings, comfort them, fetch food and water, prepare meals.

For us, this is unthinkable. But if they do all this, it's because they have to, but also because they can.

The more they grow, the more they develop their skills .

Let them do it and you'll be surprised what they can do.

Your turn...

And you, do you entrust household chores to children? Starting at what age ? Let us know in the comments how it goes. We can't wait to read you!