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The senior market:state of play!

The senior market:state of play!

Seniors today represent 22 million people in France. This category of population, aged 50 to 75 and over, weighs heavily in the economy. From leisure to consumption, through real estate, health or employment, the seniors market is essential for all companies or institutions wishing to develop and find a buoyant market. However, seniors do not represent a homogeneous population, they alone bring together three generations. Each age segment has its own way of living and consuming

50-64 year olds:the wealthiest seniors

Among the 22 million seniors, 12 million are between 50 and 64 years old. Half of them are employed, the others are about to retire. This generation, the children of the "baby boom", lived during the period of strong growth of the "Trente Glorieuses" and benefited from the democratization of education. They held jobs with higher wages than previous generations and experienced little or no unemployment. For these retired seniors, pensions are also more financially comfortable.

As a result, people aged 50 to 64 are the most affluent of seniors:in 2013, the average monthly standard of living of 50-59 year olds was 2,193 euros, that of 60-69 year olds was 2,276 euros according to the Inequalities Observatory. These seniors are also those who spend the most to satisfy their needs and desires. They are consumers who favor quality products and services, renowned brands in food, clothing, furniture, etc. In addition, their higher incomes than the rest of the population also allow them to spend on their relatives, children or parents.

65-75 year olds:the time of new centers of interest

This category of seniors (there are 5 million) represents new retirees. They generally receive comfortable pensions, they no longer have dependent children, they no longer have loans to pay for those of them who own them, and some of them inherit from their parents. In addition to comfortable incomes, thanks to longer life expectancy and the quality of health care, seniors aged 65 to 75 are most often in good shape. They then take advantage of these advantages to discover or rediscover the world of leisure, and in particular travel. At this age, seniors are available to take care of their grandchildren, to whom they provide many leisure and holiday activities, the financial cost of which they bear.

These seniors are eager for activities of all kinds and want to stay active for society. It is at this age that they are most involved in local representative bodies, associations, tutoring classes, for example. Some of them also return to the labor market by creating their own business as self-employed entrepreneurs for the vast majority of them.

The over 75s:more spending close to home and for their comfort

Seniors aged 75 and over, unlike other seniors, must more often compose their lives according to their health. These 5 million people, including a large majority of single women and more than 1 million dependent people, turn more easily to services and a local economy such as small businesses, personal assistance companies, etc. . This category of seniors is also more often affected by the issue of housing:those over 75 must plan to adapt their housing, call on home help or find a retirement home to live in.