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4 situations that increase the chances of falling in love

Love is irrational, which is why it is one of the most beautiful things on earth. We cannot always explain why the heart has chosen a particular being, we all agree, but there are circumstances favorable to the birth of feelings. They are 4 in number, and for those who are secretly in love with a work colleague, a childhood friend, it is worth digging into one or more of the conditions forward by his to obtain the favors of your beloved. A brief overview.

Living nearby

So no, it's not about playing the stalker and spying on your neighbor's outings to fake a chance encounter. Living not far from each other naturally increases the frequency of interactions, as evidenced by a study dating back to the 1950s:of 431 couples wishing to marry, 54% lived in the same geographical area when they met. So certainly, love marriages were not as widespread as they are today, but that goes without saying:the charm is more likely to operate if you regularly meet the person to court.

Eye contact

The gaze is a means of expression in its own right, no doubt about it. According to Harvard psychologist Zick Rubin, people in love look each other in the eye 75% of the time they spend chatting. By comparison, the gaze is maintained in 30 to 60% of conversations with others. Complicit looks are pillars of shared intimacy:don't we often say that a look exchanged with a special person is enough to understand each other? It allows you to say a lot about your feelings, in a discreet way that is nonetheless deep and sensual.

Have self-confidence

Confident people are more likely to create an intimate atmosphere than those who are not. They are by definition reassuring and can help break down barriers. An intimacy specific to two beings increases the chances of giving rise to lasting romantic feelings in a person.

Common points

It may seem like a joke, but it's important to share strong aspects of personality with your partner. We are not talking about superficial tastes such as a literary genre or a style of music, but rather about the engines of life which are, among other things, values ​​and convictions.

Good and let's say that for the rest, we leave it to chance...