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Mothers, they give their Love advice to their daughters (and we take the seed of it)

Mother's day is approaching ! So, on this occasion, as they are going to receive lots of gifts, it is they - the mothers - who make us one, by giving us the Love advice they would give to their daughters (a bit like they had already done grannies in flirting). We're listening!

The advice of Alice (35 years old), married, to her little Lea (4 years old). "So my darling, so that you don't make the same mistakes as mum before dad, I'm going to tell you two things that I learned (in spite of myself):1/ Prince Charming does not exist (no more men perfect than perfect woman on Earth, which does not mean that some people are not extraordinary) and 2 / Before loving a guy, learn to love yourself, to know what you want, otherwise you will having by assholes and that, believe me, is NEVER good! So I'm going to love you very much to teach you to love yourself and to mess around as little as possible (laughs). »

The advice of Frédérique (56 years old) divorced, to Chloé (29 years old). Uh… Keep going (laughs). It's good:unlike me who settled with the "first", you live experiences, you make mistakes, you learn, you live. It's good, you're young, you can enjoy it as long as you do it by protecting yourself and with "good" guys. Not just for fun (by the way, I don't want to know...) but also to better understand what you want and, a bit like treasure seekers, end up finding the right nugget.

The council of Mathilde (31 years old), separated, in Margaux (3 years old). My darling, never forget:you are a princess. And if a fool treats you even a little badly or plays with you, no matter how sexy he is, you kick him out! You are a princess and you deserve to find a real prince. And in the real world, a prince is a guy who may have a lot of faults but who respects you and loves you as you are.

Advice from Monique (60), married (for 41 years!), to her daughter Véro (36). You know marriage is not always easy! Sometimes we want to wring each other's neck, we can't stand each other anymore... To make it work, you need a lot of patience, love, humor and compromise. Listening, knowing how to say "ok, there you have won" and maintaining the flame,... With dad, we do it a lot by listening to each other carefully... and by arguing (often, it's just to find each other). It's up to you to find the drivers and flaws in your relationship to make it all work well. Either way, it's hard work! Courage (laughs).

Advice from Martine (57), married, to her daughter Audrey (27). Stop being complicated! You're complicated with guys because you're scared, I don't know what, you tell me. Afraid of it ending, afraid of "forgetting you",... Yet love is made to be happy. So yes there are risks, but if you choose a boy who is worth it, the risk will also be worth taking. For the rest, Inch Allah, you cannot predict. So relax, relax, let go and allow yourself the right to love and be loved. You'll see, it's great.

Advice from Francine (55), divorced, to her daughter Kat' (26). Even for fun (even if I don't like the idea), choose your guys carefully because they always leave traces in your story, even those passing through. Without you realizing it at the time, they can hurt you. So take the time and be vigilant.

The advice of Alex (32 years old), as a couple, to Nina (2 years old). Always listen to your heart and not what others say. If we had followed the advice of our friends, with Dad we would never have got back together after our first separation. At the time, we were young, impulsive, not ready for life as a couple. But when we found each other, we believed it. A lot of people told us that we were crazy and yet here it is, it's been 6 years that we've been together again, more and more happy, and that we wake up every morning thinking that we have lucky to have you and us, your big brother.

The advice of Val’ (44 years old), divorced, to Melissa (16 years old). If you bring a boy into the house before you turn 18, I'll cut off his head. You have been warned..