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16 lessons about love that Sex and the City taught us

1. "Sexy" is not defined

Carrie, the sweet and sparkling little curly blonde; Charlotte, the romantic and traditional brunette; Miranda, the cynical red-haired lawyer; Samantha, the (very) liberated luscious blonde:these four women are all different and all turn men's heads.

Which shows us once again that all women are sexy and that by affirming who we are, our level of fulfillment, sexyness and charisma is increased tenfold!

2. Sex has no age

Even at 50, Samantha continues to live her sexuality freely and shines with well-being. As for the other three, although in a relationship at the end of the series, they enjoy their sex life with their partner just as well. So much the better:sex is good for morale and good health.

3. Love can be found around every corner

Romantic encounters are often surprising and unexpected, like when Carrie bumps into Mr. Big in the middle of the street.

Love can be everywhere, at every crossroads. Just open your eyes and let yourself be carried away.

4. Love is stronger than the image of the ideal man

Charlotte was guided for a long time by the ideal of a handsome, intelligent, romantic, rich man,… Finally, she will fall deeply in love with a little bald and paunchy lawyer.

A very beautiful love story because deep and sincere, based on something stronger than a simple fantasy or a physical attraction:common values ​​and a deep complicity. This is the secret to making a couple last.

5. In sexual preferences, there is everything. Really.

From the man who screams "My God" at the moment of orgasm, to the man who likes to be urinated on, to the SM:when it comes to sexual preferences, there is everything...

So much the better, that way everyone gets something out of it. On the other hand, a big incompatibility leads to misunderstanding, which leads irremediably to the break box.

6. Never go too fast

If Charlotte had waited before marrying Tray, she would have noted their sexual incompatibility, his incredible clumsiness and her mother's immense hold over him, and she would therefore have avoided a divorce.

As for Aidan, if he hadn't moved in too quickly with Carrie, he would have avoided his big nervous breakdown, suffocating her and making her commit the irreparable...

7. Listening to your friends is good (but not too much)

The great thing about friends is that they know us better than anyone and are therefore in the best position to advise us.

However, sometimes they want to protect us too much and thus can push us to make bad choices, like Carrie's friends who regularly criticize Mr. Big when she ends up marrying him.

We are in the best position to make our choices. We must listen to the illuminating points of view of our friends but always leave the last word to our hearts.

8. Sex with or without love is great

The passionate antics of Carrie and Mr. Big, the tender hugs of Charlotte and Harry, the erotic sessions of Samantha and her (many) men:like love, all sexual relations are different, unique and strong in their own way. way.

To know a beautiful sexual intensity, there is no rule. Apart from being yourself, be attracted to your partner, and let it be reciprocal.

9. You can fall in love many times

Carrie liked Aidan, Berger (Mr. Post-it), Russian Aleksandr and Mr. Big. Each time, she felt butterflies in her stomach and she really believed it.

Breakups that are always painful but that allow us to tell ourselves that loving a man deeply does not mean that he is the right one. But after a few hiccups, romantics will always find "their true love".

10. Beware of dirty guys

Even though we're the nicest girl in the world, committed to seeing the beauty in everyone around us, we've all come across a bad guy at least once.

Liar, like Samantha's Richard. Manipulator, like Aleksandr. Or extremely cowardly like Berger, who dumped Carrie on a post-it.

Only one solution in these moments -> the break. We deserve better than that!

11. Being single is also awesome

Even without a guy, we're super girls! Like these four friends, we like to take care of ourselves, have fun with our friends, thrive in our professional life,... In short, being a woman.

In fact, to find her "true love", Carrie waited to find out who she was and what she really wanted. This maturity, acquired over time and experience, means that his relationship with Mr. Big will be solid.

12. A man can be perfect but not made for us

Steve de Miranda is far from having the virility of Prince Charming, but he listens to what Miranda wants. Harry is not Charlotte's ideal, but they have forged a deep and sincere bond. Mr. Big does not have the overt romanticism that Carrie would dream of, but he has proven to her many times that he is madly in love with her.

The perfect man does not exist. And that's what's beautiful:it makes love surprising and life even more exciting.

13. Love is all about timing

Carrie was not ready to live too quickly with Aidan, Mr. Big was not ready to commit before the 6th season, Carrie and Mr. Big put the cover back too soon which led to their umpteenth adventure towards a umpteenth rupture.

Love is all about timing. The partners must both be ready, otherwise disaster is guaranteed. And if it's not the right time but it's the right man, it's worth the wait (and it's even more exciting).

14. Leaving a man who doesn't accept us as we are

Aleksandr wanted to change Carrie and her life. In the end, she seemed very sad with him, far from being fulfilled as she was with Big. Luckily she left him!

15. Broken trust is irreparable

Despite his kindness and love for Carrie, Aidan will always resent her for cheating on him with Mr. Big.

16. Love is above all a question of emotions

Love works with the heart, not with the brain. Often, listening to reason leads to nothing, except to hurt yourself. In Paris, when her reason told her to "land" with someone willing to commit like Aleksandr, and to forget her tumultuous relationship with Mr. Big, she will finally listen to the voice of her heart and will fall into the arms of her eternal lover on the Pont des Arts, calling him with a huge smile:"My great love".