Family Best Time >> Family

100 reasons to love (even more) our children

Because childbirth allows us to put any form of pain into perspective.

Because when we were pregnant, we abused our fat bellies to sit in crowded buses and pass everyone else in supermarket queues.

Because helping them with their homework reminds us of our distant notions of mathematics, very practical for calculating sales percentages.

Because seeing them sleeping like angels makes us deeply serene.

Because for you they are the most beautiful.

Because for you, they are the smartest.

Because for you, they are the cutest.

Because it's better to go out with them in the sun in a park than to be alone in front of your TV on Sundays.

Because you want a cat/dog and you'll pressure your man saying, "It's the kids who want it".

Because even if their drawings are often ugly, you are always moved.

Because even their pasta necklaces make you happy.

Because they allow you to rediscover your child's soul by reliving the magic of Santa Claus, Easter bells, the little mouse,...

Because running around for them burns calories.

Because their innocence touches you and makes you feel good.

Because wanting to make them happy and keep them busy makes you work 100% on fire and it's good for the brain.

Because they have very soft skin, specially made to receive your kisses.

Because even if you were apprehensive about becoming a mother, you quickly realized that you had it in you.

Because you are aware that you would do anything for them.

Because sometimes they ask you questions you never asked yourself. And instead of throwing them away, you're like, "Hey, that's right, how many colors does a rainbow have?" »

Because you wiped their butts and wiped the vomit away (isn't that proof of love?)

Because you have (finally) learned to cook something other than pasta carbonara, for them.

Because you have become a real Superwoman who knows how to manage all aspects of her life at the same time! And yeah!

Because looking at them, you tell yourself that you have succeeded in your life.

Because you can make them believe anything (muhahaha).

Because you can finish off their luscious little baby jars and steal cakes from them (yum).

Because with them and your man, you have built your own family.

Because you love dressing them up and buying them cute little shoes!

Because if we get fat, at worst we can always put on our pregnancy outfits.

Because by having them do dictations, you have reviewed your spelling and conjugation rules (and you needed them).

Because they remind you a little of the child you were.

Because they tell you that you are the most beautiful of mothers and that it feels biiiiiiiieeeennnnnnnnn…

Because they're the only people your friends and family immediately liked (a change from your exes…).

Because you are always afraid for them, which shows your deep love.

Because it brought you even closer to your man.

Because as soon as the doctor put them on your stomach, you (almost) forgot about the pain.

Because they can't lie. And that if you want to know if you have taken buttocks or wrinkles, they will tell you... (sniff)

Because we can steal their clothes.

Because you finally take the time to read stories before sleeping. But to them.

Because even if you had the baby blues, this hormonal imbalance did not last.

Because by dragging yourself to their cucus shows, you don't hate them. No. We are proud. Even if they are bad at singing/dancing,…

Because in the street, with them, you have the impression that everyone is smiling at you. And it feels good.

Because children have simple tastes. They prefer a burger to a homemade mille-feuille. And so much the better.

Because they are lucid, they know that the best is you.

Because even after a sleepless night spent screaming, just one smile from them makes you melt.

Because being a single mother makes you even more proud of who you are.

Because having children gives you an excuse to do regressive activities, like salt dough, playing hide and seek, Barbie, going to Disneyland,…

Because you've learned a lot of names of diseases and drugs from taking them to the doctor.

Because your heart stopped beating the first time they said "Mom" to you.

Because they have exhausted you so much some days that you can only sleep like a log.

Because seeing them is a kaleidoscope in front of you:a mix of you, your man, your parents, his. And they are at the same time themselves, unique beings, apart. Which is fascinating.

Because helping them with their homework makes us realize that we are very happy that school is over for us.

Because thanks to them, everyone has risen in rank:your man has been promoted to dad, your parents to grandparents, your uncle/aunt brothers/sisters, and your aunt friends.

Because you made them and carried them in your womb.

Because you find that they grow "tooooop viiiiteuuuuuu".

Because they are children born of love.

Because since you have them, you worry (a little) less about life. You go straight to the point. Because you don't have time.

Because you love buying them toys, stuffed animals, clothes, everything.

Because you have become someone's role model.

Because the parents of some of their friends have become real friends.

Because you feel more fulfilled.

Because they're a new stockpile of great excuses to dodge a date:"Na sorry, I can't, I have to go get my kids".

Because they look at you with eyes filled with love to melt Puss in Boots from Shrek.

Because you gave them ridiculous nicknames and you're not even ashamed. On the other hand, when they are teenagers,…

Because they cultivate you by introducing you to new music, new movies and new video games. From now on, you are unbeatable on the Youth culture!

Because sometimes you dream that they go away for a few days with your family or friends. And that as soon as they leave your home, in fact, you miss them and you stay glued to the phone.

Because you finally understand how the human species has continued to reproduce for millennia:being a mother is wonderful.

Because since they've been there, they've screwed up your walls, many shirts and your white carpet, you've learned to take it (a little) on yourself.

Because you can do a lot of stuff you've never done before, like movie remakes or baby tortillas.

Because just imagining them as a couple makes you jealous.

Because they are the only people you can ever hate.

Because instead of saying "roller skates" they say "roller potatoes" and instead of "Lascaux caves" "Lascaux droppings".

Because you loved them even before they were born.

Because seeing how your man behaves with them makes you fall in love with him even more.

Because they put (even) more spice in your life.

Because even if they grow up, for you they will always be babies. Yours.

Because they have an overflowing imagination that enriches you.

Because your body overcame the disasters of pregnancy and you feel invincible ever since!

Because you are proud of what they are becoming.

Because you were willing to pay a lot more rent just to accommodate them.

Because there are many things that mothers don't dare to confess and it allows us to strengthen our secret garden...

Because they will surprise you. Always.

Because with them there were lots of new "firsts" (the first steps, the first teeth, the first bicycle,…).

Because there's nothing better to start the day than having a good breakfast with your boyfriend and them on the weekend, as a family, quietly.

Because they make rotten jokes. And it still makes you laugh.

Because you spend magical moments with them.

Because as Penelope Leach says, “loving a child is an endless circle. The more we love it, the more we receive, and the more we want to love it. »

Because they made the tom-tom in your canister and the jump rope with your umbilical cord. And that they were the only people to do it.

Because we are only tolerant of the cries of our children, not of those of others.

Because you appreciate even more the moments when you are alone or with your girlfriends.

Because when you walk with them, you feel proud.

Because you pushed the limits of learning compromises with them.

Because seeing them grow so fast makes you aware of the passage of time and makes you want to enjoy life even more.

Because you will be able to speak a new language:French and teenagers.

Because even if they do the worst stupid things in the world, you will always support them.

Because you understand by seeing your children that in fact, your mom had done SUPER well with you.

Because one more day in the year you will be the queen, thanks to Mother's Day.

Because they are always motivated, full of energy and optimism.

Because there is a life before them and a life after them. And that the second is obviously for you the second.

Because you didn't think it was possible to love someone so strongly and be able to put their best interests before yours so much when the situation calls for it.

Because your love is so strong that it cannot be rationally explained.