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Astrology:how to know our love compatibility?

love compatibility , in astrology as elsewhere, takes into account a whole host of factors. While a large part of encounters is done online today, some applications offer to display your solar astrological sign. But life would be very sad if we had to automatically eliminate half of the signs because of poor compatibility.

Some applications, more complete, allow an analysis of our synastry . But what is it ? To put it simply, it is the analysis of two birth charts birth, in order to see what are the aspects that will cause a good understanding, love at first sight or deep hatred of the other.

Knowing our love compatibility through synastry

Synastry, or love compatibility, is there to analyze more precisely what lies behind our relationship. As with all horoscopes, to calculate synastry , you will need the person's date, time and place of birth. But if we just do a simple analysis, we will only end up with our two birth charts superimposed, and it is not easy for everyone to decipher. Some sites or applications allow you to display the different aspects of the analysis, with some explanations. To better understand, we will also need to observe the positions of the planets andhouses astrological.

Placements to observe carefully in a love compatibility are the Moon, Venus and Mars. Venus is associated with love, pleasure and beauty while Mars represents action, sexuality and our way of expressing ourselves. As for the Moon , she represents the person we are inside as well as our emotions.

Love compatibility:attraction and tastes

If we have planets that fall in the 1st, 5th, 7th and 8th houses of our half, it is surely not a coincidence. Indeed, these houses are considered the most important in the study of love compatibility. In general, by having planets in these houses in our crush or partner, we will quickly have a certain intimacy, the impression of knowing each other forever and of understanding each other perfectly.

In our house 1 is our ascendant, it is the mask that we present to the world and the way others see us. In the case of love compatibility, if some of the planets of our horoscope are in the house 1 of the other, there will often be a very strong attraction between the two people.

The House 5 is the house of romance. It tells us how to express ourselves. If one has planets in the other's 5th house, there will often be a bond and friendship between the two people. There is a good chance that we like the same films, that we have the same musical tastes , etc.

Love compatibility:marriage or destruction?

The house 7 is reputed to be the wedding house. She is interested in long-term relationships. It also indicates how we build something, as well as our professional aspirations. If we have Mars or Venus in the other's 7th house, jackpot! If we ever marry the other, there is a good chance that this one will last and be happy.

The House 8 , it is darker. Governed by Pluto, god of the Underworld and the Scorpion, it represents life, death, renewal, sex and transformations. It is the attraction for the unknown, the passion and, often, the drama. If one has planets in the 8th house of the other, there is a good chance that there is a verystrong sexual attraction between the two as well as a certain alchemy … But be careful not to have too many planets in this 8th house, or it could quickly turn into obsession and destruction …

The astrological love compatibility is only there to guide you!

Of course, as with everything else, astrology is not there to tell us what to do exactly, but rather to advise us . If the analysis of our theme and that of our crush tells us that it won't work at all, we can believe it and try nothing, at the risk of missing it something, or try to figure out which aspects are problematic and try to fix it . We can also use synastry to better understand our relationships with our friends, relatives, colleagues...

We still avoid analyzing all this on the first date, at the risk of either putting too much pressure on ourselves or not knowing what to say...