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How to let go in love?

Letting go in love, myth or reality?

For many women, letting go in love can be like a fantasy... We want to, but we don't allow ourselves to believe it's possible. Letting go and love are indeed two complex notions. Being in love generates many feelings that it is not always easy to manage. Jealousy, possessiveness, anxieties, fear of losing the other... Not easy to deal with all that and to let go. However, letting go allows you to live a fulfilling and authentic love relationship. Some get there, either naturally or by doing a lot of work on themselves. The key is to be aware of things and keep your goals in mind. Two contradictory behaviors highlight a need to let go:either women want to go faster than the music by hastily planning the move, wedding and baby, or they fail to abandon themselves completely in the arms of their partner. . In both cases, it is almost certain disaster and the loss of the loved one.

Healing your past to let go

To let go, it is essential to start by healing your past. Rare are the women who begin a romantic relationship without any past. Previous stories tend to set the pace for the new romance, often wrongly. How do you let go when you've been cheated on or left overnight? It is not easy to surrender to your lover when your heart has been broken into a thousand pieces. However, for this relationship to be lasting, it is essential to heal past traumas, to accept one's vulnerability and to trust. To help you in this vast enterprise, you should not hesitate to confide in your partner. He has the right to understand your actions and, above all, will certainly show more understanding. If you are blocked in front of your darling and you cannot confide your fears and your doubts to him, you absolutely must speak to a friend. Putting words on your pain is the first step towards becoming aware and letting go.

Assurance and confidence to let go

As we have just seen, expressing your emotions and fears is essential. You should not be afraid to share your anxieties with your partner. Generally, women do not manage to let go in love because they are locked in their fears, such as the fear of abandonment or disappointment. To go beyond your fears, work on yourself is necessary. It revolves around self-confidence and self-esteem. These two concepts are essential to best face situations and to achieve fulfillment and serenity. Feeling worthy of being loved will indeed greatly help you in your quest to let go.