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Love:this is how we break up now!

Here… it was to tell you that… I prefer that we stop! », Words whispered, breathed, muffled…and recorded in order to send them by voice note to announce to the other that there will be no more tomorrow together. A little more glorious than texting, a lot less courageous than face-to-face, breaking up by voice note now appears to be the new way to say goodbye. Whatsapp, Messenger or even SnapChat as a bulwark between human beings until this moment of truth that a few years ago still showed heartbreaking but oh so sincere scenes in the café; the terrace then coming to reinforce the soul in pain seeing its lost love go away.

Considered practical and spontaneous

But why make yourself suffer unnecessarily and dramatize your breakup when you can hold the button of a microphone and send your sentence like you swipe on dating apps? Considered practical and spontaneous by the new generation, the vocal note is, let's face it, yet another affront to the heart. But the despicable ghosting having passed through there, we are no longer within a cynicism.

And if some will say that in any case a breakup is never beautiful, by dint of meetings and separations, the heart always wears out a little more. Also getting out of someone's life requires and always will require tact and a last touch. So it is better to take your courage with both hands than your smartphone, it will avoid turning the old love into a ghost and leave him the pleasure of coming to haunt our nights.