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25 reasons to love even harder. Everybody. Now.

Ha, the amûûûr… Love is everywhere. On TV, in music, in the eyes of our loved ones, in the way we look at the sky, in each of our gestures. We don't always realize it and yet, if we observed it a little more, if we built it up, if we worked to make it grow, this love, we would be even happier! So, shall we get started?

To motivate you, here are 25 reasons to love even more.

Because love is the basis of all action. It pushes us to reach out to others, to move forward and to get things done. Even Roger Glover says it (“Looooove is allll!”).

Because it is by loving ourselves that we take good care of ourselves, that we do good to ourselves, that we do others by ricochet and that we move forward.

Because »aimeeeeer is the most beauuuu«.

Because love makes us do amazing things. Novels, poems, paintings,… kids.

Because it is by loving that we receive love. "If you want to be loved, love and be lovable," said Benjamin Franklin.

Because loving is not always easy-easy. And learning to love is exciting (and the more you progress, the more rewards you receive!).

Because watching images of peace, hugs, kisses, always does us a lot of good.

Because when someone annoys us, it's always nicer for our nerves to focus on what we like about this person (by looking, we always find...) rather than on what makes us want to tear ourselves away the hair.

Because without love, the world would be less beautiful (with a capital "b"). And that by loving, we make it even more Beautiful (what class!).

Because loving is good for others. And that makes us proud and happy. Suddenly the others are even happier. etc In short, an ultra-efficient virtuous circle!

Because "Love is an art, like music. (Pierre Louÿs)

Because love does weird things to our heads... We see life in pink, we have wings on our feet,... A real drug!

Because "where we love each other, it never gets dark" (African proverb).

Because love is one of the pillars of happiness, according to positive psychology.

Because giving love costs nothing. And yet, it is priceless!

Because loving love can lead to sex, which is a pretty cool activity.

Because non-sexual hugs are cool too.

Because "making love", moreover, is very good for health and morale (many studies say so).

Because knowing that today we are going to give lots of love and therefore receive it is a good reason to get up with a smile in the morning.

Because we love to make people happy. When we give gifts, for example, we are even more excited than when we receive them!

Because it makes us become more tolerant.

Because by being more tolerant, we open our minds more and we are therefore more intelligent.

Because "All you need is love", the song goes.

Because we don't know what tomorrow will bring. Maybe we won't be able to give any more love, so might as well empty our infinite stock now!

Because sometimes it's hard to find meaning in life... And "give as much love as possible" to others and in what you do, that could be a great goal, right?