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5 words to ruin a date!

#FiveWordsToRuinADate, or in French 5 words to ruin a date; This is the hashtag that topped global trending topics on Twitter for several hours today. Tweets then swirled giving examples of short sentences (in English), five words therefore, which can ruin all dates in a second. Here is a small selection of 20 pearls posted by Internet users:

Relationships aren't really my thing.

I know, I googled you.

Why don't we take a selfie?

You look like my ex.

My wife would love you very much.

You looked different to me on Tinder.

We split the bill.

What's your name again?

Seriously, touch and see.

Where is your Instagram filter?

I forgot my wallet again.

Can you pass me the garlic please?

No wonder you're single.

I'm not like other guys.

What is the wifi password here?

I have to go, I have another appointment.

I absolutely have to tweet this!

Are you sure you should eat this?

I'm pretty popular on Youtube.

Say hello to my cats.