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Marry your best friend (a study says so)!

What makes married people happy? This is the question posed by the National Bureau of Economic Research of Canada. After sifting through data from a survey of British homes, the United Kingdom as well as figures provided by the Gallup Institute, they came to this first observation:yes, married people are generally happier than singles (without dec'?)… And not just right after the honeymoon (that would be too easy). The reason ? The camaraderie.

Eh yes ! Most of the participants, for example, noted a decline in their development around forty, an age when one generally undergoes a small wave of stress, notes Shawn Grover, co-author of the study. But for married people, the course is easier to pass concerning the problems of raising children or pressure at work, because the union is strength! We confide in each other, we advise each other, we boost each other,... and it's good!.

Moreover, it is this complicity between the two partners, not the love itself or the desire, which allows couples to fully flourish in marriage, say the researchers. The "lovers" who also consider themselves "best friends" would thus be twice as fulfilled in their history as the other couples, specify the scientists.

Conclusion:“Marriage is kind of like a great friendship. So if you want lasting love, make your man your best friend (or the other way around).