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Women and men are not jealous for the same reasons!

A new study by researchers from Chapman University in the city of Orange in California (USA) has just revealed a new difference between the two sexes. Published by the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, this study tells us that when we learn that our partner has cheated on us, what matters most to us differs.

Sexual or emotional?

Men stand out massively:for them, it is the sexual side that disturbs the most in the act of cheating on the one with whom we share our life. For women, on the other hand, the most hurtful thing would be if our other half has feelings for another, even without him taking action by sharing a carnal moment with her.

What would be the most upsetting scenario?

It was based on a questionnaire dating from 2007, to which nearly 64,000 respondents aged 18 to 65 responded, that the researchers made this discovery. The questionnaire consisted of asking a series of questions about dating and romantic relationships to a large panel of people from all walks of life, married or not, parents or not, etc. In it was the following question:

"Take a moment to imagine which of the following situations would be most upsetting or distressing for you:

1. You find out your partner is having sex with someone else (but he/she hasn't fallen in love with that person)

2. You find out that your partner has fallen in love with someone else (but he/she is not having sex with that person”

Men and women are very different

More than one in two men said that the first situation was the worst, while only around one in three women chose this same scenario. The second answer was therefore preferred by nearly two out of three women. Less than one in two men would be sadder to learn that his partner has romantic feelings for another rather than sexual relations. Gays and lesbians, like bisexuals, responded more similarly, with both situations being equally upsetting for both genders.

Young people more concerned about the physical side

The only common point between heterosexuals of both sexes is found in the answers given by the youngest respondents. For them, the carnal and therefore physical aspect of deception is more difficult to digest. The researchers believe that this comes from the fact that in our young years, this aspect is very important for our self-esteem. When complexes eat away at us, knowing that the person we share our life with has gone elsewhere sexually gives us the impression that our body may not be good enough.

And for you, which scenario would be the hardest to live with?