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Can money buy love?

Elite Rencontre had the good idea to ask a panel of singles about how money could interfere with love and dating. And let's be honest, most of the results obtained are not a big surprise... even if they are very telling on the male/female ratio today.

First question obviously:"Would you date someone just for their money?" and roughly equal response from men and women who say 95% and 90% "No". It is then that it becomes interesting and that it thickens.

And for good reason when asked, "How important is your partner's salary to you?" 77% of men answer that it is not important and women only 33%. There are therefore 67% of women for whom a man's salary is important. No need to play naive, this is not a scoop. Even today, a woman expects a man to protect her... We know mentalities change slowly and the path to a more egalitarian couple is still far away. Good. But the craziest and even creepiest result of this study is not there... It is in the answers to the question:"Who do you think has the most difficulty finding a partner?" ”… And there mind-blowing since, arrive practically at the same level, two incredible answers. Yes, for all respondents, it is more difficult to find a partner when you are an unemployed man (43%) and a woman who… has succeeded professionally (33%)!!!!! Yes, yes, it's crazy and unfortunately it's true, but a woman who makes a career is less likely to find a man.