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8 proofs that love can last a lifetime

By dint of seeing couples tearing themselves apart around us and in the media, we believe that love is not made to last. But I can assure you of the opposite! So take heart:demonstration in 8 proofs.

1/ Old couples who walk hand in hand. Who does not feel their heart shudder seeing this scene so frequent in our daily lives and always so moving? A gentle gesture, powerful and reflecting a deep love. It's beautiful and it gives hope!

2/ The elderly say so. I remember my maternal grandmother who buttered my grandfather's sandwiches every morning, paying him beautiful compliments, returned by the immense sweetness of the blue eyes of this tall man with white hair. I also remember the kiss trembling with emotion and the magnificent words of love that my paternal grandparents exchanged for their 60 years of marriage (!). Prick up your ears, and you will see that you only have to listen to the elderly to hear this kind of pretty declarations.

3/ Some couples even left this world at the same time. "Love each other till death do you part?" “Some couples did not want to separate at all and even less stop loving each other! No but ! So, without even knowing it, they went out…almost at the same time! Take that, Grim Reaper!

> To read:They loved each other until death did them part…the same day

4/ Couples of all ages cry out their love to us in the clip Honey I’m Good by Andy Grammer. By dint of seeing adulterous dating sites become commonplace and stories of deception being told at the coffee machine like simple anecdotes, we forget that we can love each other for a lifetime without making mistakes. This is what the American singer wanted to remind us of in his latest clip, featuring 100 real couples, together for a few months at over 70…and still happy.

5/ It's good for morale. Yes, love gives us butterflies in our stomachs, it makes us vibrate, it makes us grow! Moreover, the effects of love are so beneficial that they have inspired meditation.

> To read:Micro-moments of love:the secret of a happy life

6/ We are lucky to live in this era. Until not so long ago, people married out of obligation. Yep, love "by choice" is actually brand new! Normal that there are so many divorces and breakups, then! You have to give society time to reorganize and understand how true love works... And that's good! Personal development books, love advice coaches, articles on love abounding on the Internet and in magazines:everything is at your fingertips! On the "application" side, with dating sites and women's liberation, it has never been easier for us to meet people. It is up to us to learn Love little by little in order to make the right choices and live it fully.

7/ The "divorced parents" generation has a revenge to take. You only have to talk to them to see that most of them have suffered a lot from this separation and that they do not want for anything in the world to relive this trauma or make their children endure it. So yes, some will separate because sometimes it's the best solution, but many will hold on, solid and happy. I'm ready to take the bets!

8/ A taxi driver told me. During a trip to Indonesia. He whispered to me, “Why in your countries do you separate so quickly? You do as with objects:when it's broken, we throw away! But no ! We can fix it and it takes on even more value! ". It is not Dr. Leleu who will say the opposite...

> To read:Dr Gérard Leleu:“Love takes work! »