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10 signs that he is (really) in love

1. He's gaga

At first, when you're in love, you become a bit silly. We smile blissfully, we laugh stupidly, we adopt very soft voices like those of a baby, we pout,... In short, love is more powerful than the water of youth and it makes you fall back into direct childhood carelessness. So, if when you met him, he was playing the man and now, sometimes, he has the sweetness of a child, it is because he is wonderfully well with you, on his little cloud of love all pink.

2. He really cares about your life

If he talks a lot a lot about himself and won't let you place one, he's dead. On the other hand, if he listens to you, asks you questions about your job, your friends, your family and gives you advice, you can count on him. Warning:his absence when you talk to him about your passion for The Bachelor or the super efficiency of the last tampon is not a sign of disenchantment. To talk about "girly" topics, you have your girlfriends.

3. He brings you into his intimacy

"I hardly ever said that," "Do you think these pants look good on me?" or - by text message just before his job interview - "Diiis, can I call you?" are small sentences that show, in more or less obvious ways, that this man trusts you, that he is ready to lower his shield and bring you into his world. If you like it too, give it a go.

4. He wants to make up for the time spent without you

He tells you about his mother, his sister, his grandfather or Léa, the girl he was in love with in kindergarten… About his biggest shame in kindergarten, the loss of his first baby tooth and his difficult adolescence ,… In short, of all his past that could help you to know him better and understand him better.

5. He is tactile/cuddly

A small hand passed on your back without him even realizing it, a kiss on the tip of your nose, a dust that he removes from your knee or a crumb from your cheek:small marks of tenderness that say all…

6. He loves you as you are

In the movie When Harry meets Sally , Harry makes the most beautiful declaration of love to his beauty:"I love that you have a runny nose when it's 22°C, I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich, I love the little wrinkle you have there when you look at me like I'm crazy. I love that after spending the day with you I have my clothes all scented with your scent and I love that you're the last person I want to talk to before I go to bed." That's love... loving the other, deeply, for who he is. ***Sighs***

So if he looks disgusted when he sees three hairs under your armpits, refuses to come near you when you're sick, wants to change your style of dress, or shows all the signs of a narcissistic pervert, sorry, but he doesn't like you. Remember this sentence:an "I like you just the way you are" from Mr. Darcy to Bridget Jones carries more weight than an "I'm crazy about you" from Daniel Cleaver.

7. He lets you be happy

A man who loves you wants your happiness. Even if events of all kinds annoy him or deeply annoy him (like a CDD abroad, your handsome best friend and your nights out with your single girlfriends), if he knows that's what you will make you happy, it will push you to get started.

8. He wants to please you and makes an effort

Whenever you offer him an activity he doesn't want, he dodges. You ask him to go with you to see this exhibition that makes you want so much? It automatically responds "Naaa that sucks". You ask him to take the kids to school for once:"Naaa I have stuff to do (like hanging out in front of the TV)". If he is not able to compromise and make efforts to help you, it is because he does not care about your well-being, and therefore he is not in love. On the other hand, if he has postponed an evening with his friends for you, if he comes to take care of you when you have the flu or has sparkling eyes when he gives you a gift:there is a good chance that he loves you.

9. He wants to mix "the three levels of social relationship"

The rule of three levels:when a man (or a woman) is in love, he not only wants to spend time with the person (level 1), discover his friends and family (level 2) and introduce you to his family (level 3 ). Three spheres of intimacy that allow you to get to know each other better and share intense moments with them. Next to it is an equally crucial 4th level:the one where you live your life on your own. Yes, otherwise you risk suffocating and missing great moments!

10. He plans on the medium/long term

"Would you like to go to the opera/mountain/abroad" in three months/next summer? If the gentleman projects himself with a smile, it is because he sees himself continuing this beautiful story with you. So, enjoy and maintain, both of you, this magnificent flame.

(Kitchy music but goes well with the fall of the article)