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9 signs that prove that we are falling in love!

When you see it coming, it's very simple everything lights up in you. His smile makes you melt and you drink in his words, even when he says distressing platitudes. It's a fact, he makes you float, a weightless life that makes you lighter, more ready to bear the hassles of everyday life.
Some signs are unmistakable, and if you are happy by his side, you feel empathy or sexual attraction, you know it's not just friendship, you've officially fallen in love.

Falling in love:these unmistakable signs!

He's your best friend, colleague, neighbour... You see him regularly, you like him, but you're not sure of the nature of your feelings . However, the slightest minute with him upsets you, both physically and psychologically. To know if you have feelings of love, there are symptoms that do not deceive. They are the result of the state of euphoria linked to love. One thinks in particular of the racing heart whenever you think of him or his presence in your dreams. In the same way, you think of him all the time, morning, noon and night and the idea of ​​seeing him is enough to make your day more beautiful... If you recognize yourself, you are indeed falling in love with him. him !