Family Best Time >> Family

That, I never told him!

"Sometimes I don't go to work. I call in sick and drag from my sofa to my bed and from my bed to the sofa. I could tell my boyfriend but it's such a childish attitude... So when he comes home from work, I have to pretend to have had a tiring day! Inès, 26 years old, saleswoman

"I hate her panties. No matter how much I give him fashionable boxers, he always comes back to them! To believe that he really likes the exposed beam side! Lisa, 32, architect

“My mother called me Cacatounette when I was little. Really, even under torture, I won't tell him. Raphaëlle, 35, engineer

“I have never read Sartre. Neither Camus. Not even Balzac. Contrary to what I made him believe when I flirted with him and pretended to be an avid reader. » Samia, 30 years old, nurse

"I'm on the verge of permanent giggles as soon as we're in bed together because he says 'oh yes, oh yes!' to control me so as not to hurt him! Not easy in full coitus! Marion, 28, editorial assistant

"I wonder some days what I'm doing with Eric. The one I liked was his best friend in college but he never looked at me. So, I fell back on the one who became my husband. Fortunately, these doubts do not constantly assail me! Mona, 29, florist

“I sold a khaki green crust that belonged to him for 50 euros at a flea market. Since then, I learned that it was the work of a listed artist that was worth at least a hundred times that. For the moment, he has not started looking for him, but my days are numbered! » Rose, 37 years old, commercial

"Once in a while her ex calls home" Gaby, 40, naturopath

"I have an arm's length ticket with the waiter at the cafe downstairs. This is already the third time that this Ryan Gosling look-alike has offered me dinner with him… I resist. For now ! Anaïs, 36 years old, bookkeeper

"I won $5,000 at a scratch game last week. Since my boyfriend is a real badass, I'd rather shut up and give us a real vacation next summer than talk to him about it and see him smash it all up. Marie-Lou, 27, graphic designer

"When we first met, his father took me aside for a long time to explain to me how fragile his son was and how much he might suffer if I ever left him... Needless to say, 10 years later, between Beau-Papa and me, relations are always a bit distant! » Rébecca, 34 years old, banking executive