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Love… in X-rays

Love is beautiful… Except maybe when you do it behind X-rays! This is what we quickly see when looking at these images taken by MRI. In this video, published on September 16 by the American site Vox, we see skeletons caressing each other, tongues overlapping and sexual organs playing Lego in the missionary position:

No voyeurism! This video actually pays homage to a great scientific breakthrough! Because what is magnificent here is the incredible precision of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Relatively recent, this instrument makes it possible to show the inside of the body by revealing the presence of water molecules according to their density in the tissues, all without danger!

Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2000

On this montage of videos produced by research institutes, we see (in great detail) a man drinking pineapple juice, another playing the horn, two topics discussed,... And even a fetus in the belly of his mom!

As for the images of this (very) embracing couple, they actually come from the work of researchers Pek Van Andel, Willibrord Weijmar Schultz, Eduard Mooyaart and Ida Sabelis, who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2000 for their work on the study. coitus by MRI. A study which had then made it possible to break down some received ideas about sex... such as the one - widespread in the 1930s - according to which the penis would take the shape of an S during penetration.

Moreover, it was also functional MRI that allowed American researchers to make another spectacular video, this time showing the activity of the brain during a woman's orgasm. And there, for once, it's really beautiful!