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5 tips to awaken my child

5 tips to awaken my child

Waking up my child has always been a major concern. I have always thought that awakening in infants as in older children was a parent's duty. Providing my child with a sphere conducive to his awakening to the world is, in my opinion, a priority. Back to my little Tips, to provide baby with what he needs to fully develop.



You have already heard it many times, music stimulates the awakening of our children. This is one of those tips that I quickly put into practice. Getting my child to listen to music very early on was his first source of fulfillment. His first discovery of a new stimulating environment. It brings him unparalleled well-being, stimulates his sleep, and tops everything off, and it has been proven, provides him with more concentration for tasks that are still complex for him at his young age. My first piece of advice:give your child some music.


5 tips to awaken my child

Reading is one of my toddlers' favorite activities. There too, from an early age I got them used to reading and/or listening to me read. Reading allows us first of all to spend a pleasant moment of relaxation together. And when you work or when you don't have all the opportunities to be as close to your children as you would like, this kind of warm moment does a lot of good for your morale. In addition to this personal aspect, reading teaches my child a whole host of things that I would not think of without the support of a book. It places the child in a sphere of exchange, understanding, mental activity, to understand the story, its plot, the vocabulary. Reading also gives my child new words that he would never have used in everyday life. My second piece of advice, which for me is a great tool for early learning:read books or magazines to your child


One of the things I started teaching my kids very quickly was empowering them. We don't often think about it, but giving responsibilities to your child is - in my opinion - one of the most powerful sources of awakening. For example, teaching him to wake up on his own, make his bed in the morning, and even get ready without the help of mom or dad, like a grown-up. Transmitting the message to my child that he can already independently manage to excel in certain tasks, helps him to flourish. Create your own identity. Tastes, and later, a strong personality. Empowering my child has been a great source of pride for me. It's one of the most joyful things about being a parent, watching your child grow up on your guidance. Such an inspiring and fabulous message. My third piece of advice:empower your children.


Playing with your child is a privileged moment. Unlike reading, music, or the fact of inculcating responsibilities in your child, play with him in this specificity of being at the heart of the exchange. Being able to dialogue with him, resonate with him, solve more or less complex problems alongside him, happens to be at the heart of my concerns regarding the awakening of my toddler. For me, it is essential to build an exchange around certain issues. . For example a puzzle, a board game or even skill games. It is one of those things that undeniably helps the child to develop his logic, his understanding. But above all his socialization and his language. Expressing their problems to an individual. Discuss with him how he solves it. Discussing how to do it is the prerogative of an awakening of his personality. My fourth piece of advice:play with your child.


One of my last tips for awakening your child. And his curiosity about the outside world:to socialize it. Getting your little one to meet other children like him, of the same age, and especially a little older, will help him to flourish socially. The meetings allow the child to leave his family circle and to confront him with other life experiences. Which are this time, sometimes more restrictive for him, at least at the beginning. Socializing my child was initially a source of fear but then a little pride in seeing him acclimate well to others, and learn from them. New words, new concepts and sometimes even a new culture. Never skimp on baby's socialization. She will help him find a place for himself in the sphere of others of his age. And create a personality other than the one he has, when he is with his parents or his family. My last piece of advice:socialize your child.