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How to awaken my child to music?

How to awaken my child to music?

If music is a wonderful tool of expression for children, it is also an excellent lever for improving their cognitive abilities, gaining attention and concentration while developing their creativity. Music is also a tool for social relations and a way to help them reach their full potential. How to awaken your children to music? Here are some tips that will prove invaluable.

Contents 1 Bringing music into the home 2 Musical awakening:a fun time with the family 3 Listening to a wide range of music 4 Going to concerts and musical outings 5 ​​Enrolling them in music lessons

Bringing music into the house

From an early age, children are attracted to anything that near or far makes noise or emits sound. If you want to introduce them to music, nothing could be simpler, just provide them with instruments. Drums, pianos, xylophones, even if these instruments are often sold as toys, they allow you to get a foothold in music in an adapted and playful way. Remember to take models that are suitable for their age and above all who know how to make them want to. And if you see that they don't stick, don't panic, just try with another instrument. Everyone has their own preferences and rare are the children who shy away from music without restraint.

Musical awakening:a fun family moment

As your child gets older, it's important to keep musical development fun. There is no need to drown it out too quickly with music theory, reading sheet music, learning rhythm or even the names of compositions, practice over theory is preferable, at least at first. On the other hand, if you play an instrument and you have one at home, you can organize workshops on the theme of music and even let your child handle it if he is of the required age. Do not hesitate either to make him learn songs, nursery rhymes, and everything could stimulate him and make him love music. The advantage is that you can accompany it with an instrument and help make these few hours of musical awakening an intimate and privileged moment.

Listen to a wide range of music

Awakening your child to music is no more complicated than making him love reading or teaching him to draw. For your efforts to be effective, you have to know how to diversify the pleasures! Making him listen to music for children such as songs by Aldebert or Henri Dés is a good experience, but introducing him to other musical genres is even better. Classical music, French variety, world music, rock, pop... Open your child's mind to the maximum - but also yours - so that he can discover the richness of music without missing an opportunity. However, be careful with the volume, beyond a certain number of decibels, prolonged exposure can cause hearing loss.

How to awaken my child to music?

Go to concerts and musical outings

Home is not the only place where you can get your child interested in music! There are also fairs and shows, concerts, and even museums of musical instruments that allow him to familiarize himself with specimens from different eras. The advantage of museums too is that they often offer enriching workshops that offer children a new look at music. As for concerts, there is also plenty to do. Even though there are posters specially designed for children and they are generally fond of musicals, you can also take them to adult concerts, if only to expand their horizons. Let them also meet musicians and artists who can share their passion, their journey and their experience in a recreational and entertaining way.

Sign them up for music lessons

If you see that your children are interested in music and want more, you can also consider enrolling them in a musical awakening course at a music school or at the conservatory. Moreover, many establishments offer early learning lessons accessible from the age of 5 and instrumental initiation lessons from the age of 6 with the program learning the first notions of music theory and singing. Playing an instrument is a great way to express yourself while stimulating your creativity. Even if your child is not destined to embrace the career of a musician, a musical awakening is a good idea for extracurricular activity to help him fully develop and gain skills.