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How much clothing allowance do I give my child?

Mom, I'm going to town tomorrow. Can I have clothing allowance? ” Gossie. clothing allowance. Already? How many? She currently only gets pocket money. But the friend with whom she goes shopping has been receiving clothing allowance for several months and is handling it well. Now my fashion doll wants that too. They want to shop together. Without mothers, without whining. But how much clothing allowance do I give my child?

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Own clothing budget is fine, of course, but how much clothing money do you actually give your child?

My daughter is thirteen and is becoming more and more independent. I also encourage that. She also shows that she is sensible. Usually then. But clothing allowance. I do not know. As it is now, it's actually fine. But the princess is unrelenting and wants her own clothing budget.

Honey, you always get clothes from us when you need something, don't you? And you can just choose yourself, right?” As you can see, I'm trying to postpone giving clothes allowance for a while. Although my daughter doesn't want to know about this. “Mom, I just want that. I want to buy what I want and not first ask if that is allowed…”

ahaaa. My girl is no longer waiting for my opinion. Would it be that? “What about our cozy shopping afternoons? Where we go for a nice lunch and you can eat and shop to your heart's content, on my account?" Those shopping afternoons are not the problem. Happy. Because those afternoons together I find so pleasant. “We can go shopping together, Mom. As long as you pay for lunch. But then I pay for my purchases with my own clothing money.” She smiles and makes it clear to me that she's serious. I have to sleep on it first.

Earn clothing money

Today it's shopping time! Still without clothing allowance, but with the promise that she can show this afternoon whether she earns clothing allowance. The money spent will be refunded if successful. So no more skirts. Overjoyed and confident, she cycles to the big city with her best friend.

And as it turns out, my opinion is valued after all. I regularly receive an app. With photos. And prices. “Beautiful, but a bit pricey, for a sweater, ” I text back. “But it's good quality ”, is the response. Like I hear myself talking 😉 . The next app follows quickly. The ladies are sitting on the terrace. Because shopping makes you thirsty. She will surely get that from me too. Shopping and Sauvignon is the ideal combination in my opinion. Fortunately, the ladies stick to shopping and a soft drink.

Buy navel sweaters with clothing allowance

The princess comes home just before dinner. With four bags. And a smile from ear to ear. That happy feeling, being overjoyed with all purchases. That's what she wants. Her own clothing allowance, her own choice, her own responsibilities. I get her. Fully.

She proudly shows me her purchases. A nice sweater, a bit pricey, but indeed good quality. She sees it. Shorts, sunglasses and a nice t-shirt. And last but not least a sweater and a blouse. Scored in the sale! Very nice, but rather short.

Of course I can't help but say something about that. But it's not out of my mouth yet, or I'm already regretting it. I was also young and loved navel shirts. The fact that my belly now comes into its own better under a long corrective top instead of under a navel sweater, does not mean that my daughter is not allowed to do this. Fortunately, I recovered quickly. “Super nice dear, but a bit short. But that's great fun for the summer. When you go to school, you better wear longer shirts, but hey, you have seven weeks off now.” She nods in satisfaction.

Do you like the clothes mom † I answer her question truthfully. “I think it's very beautiful, honey. But keep in mind that you don't have all your k can make up suffering money. You also have to save some money for, for example, a winter coat or good shoes. They are generally a bit more expensive. Or in case something breaks.” She knows it. But she still wants her own clothing budget and delicately points out that her winter coat can last for another season.

Amount of the clothing allowance for your children

I'm about. After wisely deliberating with hubby, we embrace her independence. Our girl gets a clothing allowance. We are going to make good agreements. Not just about the amount of the clothing allowance. We consulted the Nibud site for this. According to Nibud, your child would be 'ready' for clothing allowance from the age of 12/13 and they learn to deal with money as a result. On average, children of this age receive € 50.00.

In addition to the amount of the clothing allowance, we will also discuss what exactly she has to pay for this. For example, underwear and sports clothes are still at our expense.

Gosh, clothes money. My girl can do this. I am convinced of that. Now I still. Because I shouldn't be tempted to tack anyway and add a few extras. She needs to learn the value of money. But hey, I can always give her clothes as a (Christmas) present. Although that piece of clothing will contain enough fabric to cover her very tight tummy.

Does your child receive a clothing allowance? And how much is that?