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How to support a child with learning difficulties?

How to support a child with learning difficulties?

Whether in primary, middle or high school, some children and adolescents have difficulty obtaining satisfactory results. Faced with the academic difficulties of their children, many parents do not know what decisions to make to help them get back on track. Are you worried about your child with learning difficulties? Here is a practical guide to help you accompany it effectively.

Contents 1 Listen to your child 2 Tutoring with private lessons 3 Avoid putting pressure on him 4 Interact with school teachers

How to support a child with learning difficulties?

Keep listening to your child

The most difficult thing for the parents of a child with learning difficulties is to determine the cause of his problems. There are many, among which we can mention:

  • The change of living environment;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Lack of self-confidence;
  • Difficulty concentrating in class;
  • Behavioural problems…

The only way to find out what is wrong with your child is to encourage discussion with him . Take the time to listen to him and show him that you are sensitive to his problem. A child who feels abandoned or neglected will only increase his concern.

School support with private lessons

If your child has difficulty concentrating in class, reading or understanding lessons, you should find him a private teacher. Depending on the difficulties experienced by the child, the private tutor will be able to adapt his lessons to his level , and help it evolve.

Adopting tutoring as offered by is an ideal solution. This type of organization has the advantage of taking care not only of primary school children, but also those of middle and high schools. Your child will thus be supervised and followed by a competent teacher, who knows how to demonstrate pedagogy. A perfect way to help your child gradually improve their grades in school.

How to support a child with learning difficulties?

Avoid putting pressure on him

A child with learning difficulties needs above all to gain some confidence in his own abilities. It is therefore the role of the parent to highlight him and show him that he is capable of being excellent in class if he wishes. Using sanctions or punishments because he has a bad grade will not help . On the contrary, listen to him, be understanding, and move forward at his pace, following his development step by step.

Interact with school teachers

Many parents do not understand the importance of interaction with school personnel. However, it is one of the best solutions for obtaining an educational follow-up adapted to the child. A collaboration with teachers will allow you to define the problems observed in your child in class . The teacher will be able to adapt the child's learning according to his difficulties, and will be able to give you practical advice to accompany him at home.

To sum up, know that if he has difficulties at school, your child first and foremost needs to feel surrounded. Your role as a parent is to motivate and encourage him regularly, while providing him with appropriate means, such as tutoring.