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How to make your child happy at Christmas?

How to make your child happy at Christmas?

Christmas is children's day. This is the time when they expect to receive beautiful gifts from Santa Claus, because they have been deserving all year. The magic of Christmas is still strongly present among children. And no parent wants to break that magic!

Contents 1 Organize a holiday with them 2 Let them choose their Christmas presents 3 Prepare a good family meal 4 Let them do what they want!

So, how to make your child happy at Christmas? There are so many ways to make a child smile! Discover some ideas in this article.

Plan a vacation with them

You are busy all year round with your work or other responsibilities. You don't neglect your children, but they would probably appreciate spending more time with you. And the Christmas holidays are a good time to get together with family and spend time together . Besides, isn't that exactly the magic of Christmas?

Also, to make your children happy, plan a few days off and go together to a destination of your choice. It's not about overspending, just go with what you have. Whether you only have the budget for a weekend trip to an amusement park or a neighboring region, or you can go to another country for a week, the important thing is to stick together.

Organize this stay in such a way as to share as many activities as possible with your children. Make them feel like you're there, love them, and want to spend time with them. The magic of Christmas can only be perpetuated. They will enjoy these parties even more.

How to make your child happy at Christmas?

Let them choose their Christmas presents

It is customary to ask your children to make a list of gifts they would like to receive for Christmas. As a general rule, they are allowed to have gifts if they have been good and obedient all year.

But to innovate this year, choose a completely different approach. Instead of asking them to make a list, allow them to phone Santa directly . It is an atypical concept that will not fail to amaze your children. They will have the impression that Santa Claus really exists. On the other hand, it will inspire them to be even wiser next year since they promised Santa!

All you have to do is get Santa's number and ask your kids to call him directly . Surprise them with this unique conversation. The children know that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, that he has a magnificent residence with enchanted beings and kites. Talking to him directly will certainly take them by surprise, and bring them immense joy.

Calling Santa Claus will not cost you much and will make your children really happy. They can talk as much as they want to discover the world of this old bearded man who only comes once a year. They can also ask him anything as a reward for their good behavior during the year.

And to prolong this moment of happiness for a long time, you can download and record your little angel's conversation with Santa Claus ! This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on public holidays! You will be able to stall whenever you want, and why not several times before Christmas, a magic phone call that will help your child wait until D-Day.

Prepare a good family meal

A family reunion always takes place in front of a well-stocked table. The same goes for the Christmas holidays, during which everything is permitted. Your children can then eat everything, treats and sweets... Once is not custom!

For the magic of Christmas to really work, avoid ordering your Christmas meal. Prefer to share this delicious moment of preparing Christmas Eve dinner with your children . Let them participate and cook together.

Even if you are not a cordon bleu, there is always a solution to cook well and please your family. The Internet will, for example, be your best ally. You will find all the best recipes there! Thus cooked with love and conviviality, your meal will already have a wonderful taste of celebration and sharing!

Christmas will mark your children even more since they will remember that during these times, they always have a good time with their family. They will remember that the house is always animated by giggles and testimonials of all kinds. They will appreciate these parties even more, and it is a good thing for their education. Because Christmas is not just about gifts... It's above all a state of mind, an atmosphere of joy and sharing.

Preserve the innocence of your children by perpetuating, with simple gestures, the magic of Christmas!

Let them do what they want!

At Christmas, allow your children to stay up late, to go play with their cousins ​​or friends. They deserved these few days of happiness and total freedom . Let them have as much fun as they want. They will have the whole year to work harder and stay good again.

Moreover, this freedom will sound like a reward in their eyes. They know they have to earn your good favors. They will double their efforts for next year to achieve the same result. And then, what parent would not dream of having obedient children? Or what parent would not do everything to please their children?

The other advantage is that you can also rest during these Christmas holidays. After a whole day spent cooking, you deserve a little time for yourself . Take the opportunity to enjoy a glass of wine in front of the Christmas tree, while being proud that your children were happy this year.

In the end, happiness is only in small things. It is not always necessary to spend crazy sums of money to please your children and make them happy!